This is the best part: the bullshit tagline at the end along the lines of, "I'm cool dude, I just don't want person X to see you." If you're going to say something, at least stop being such a faggot (shit, sorry for offending 6-9 of you reading this) and own it. Why is manning up impossible for so many of these retards?
My most recent experience was some fat nav chick chased me and couple dudes down because we didn't have hats on. When I explained we had diverted and don't have hats, she just reiterated we should have hats, quickly following up with "because I don't want the wg/cc to see you and get mad." I'm pretty sure she about had a hernia right there when I half laughed/half threw a "noted" her way. Funny that a Lt Col who saw me an hour earlier and asked the question completely understood the situation and we went our separate ways. I just don't get it, where do people like this come up with this crap?