What a novel concept...
Yes, I will. I will also avoid NJ, NY and CA...CO is on shaky ground as well. A good college friend of mine has a very lucrative corporate flying gig in Chicago, but quickly moved well out into the country (northern Indiana...not Gary!), mainly for crime/tax/gun ownership reasons.
One of the big factors in deciding on the Airline career was the ability to live wherever I wanted and not have a huge affect on my earnings potential (cost of living doesn't hurt either). I will avoid living in or around any large city as much as possible (but still live within short call range). Small towns, while not totally immune to crime, are where I choose to raise a family. People are more genuine, have a greater sense of community, and generally are good, hard-working Americans. Any given day, I can roll into the barber shop and there will be 6-9 people there...no one getting a hair cut. Everyone knows everyone by name and as an aside, this is a great place to get sage advice on your next big project (the old timers seem to know a little bit about a lot!). I can stop in the town diner and my breakfast shows up just how I like it, without having to order (unless I want to get crazy and switch it up!). Crime is the exception, not the rule.
Our country is not what it once was, but it's still a damn good place to live and I would not trade it for anywhere. We have our problems for sure, but what place doesn't? I have experienced many other cultures, in many different countries...I like mine better! I can own guns, live where I chose, not taxed at a ridiculous rate, can travel freely, not worried about outside attack/drug cartels/roving factions murdering me, have a say in elections, don't fear corrupt police, can voice my displeasure with my govt., etc, etc,etc.... So I guess you could say, I have zero desire to ever leave this country, aside from deployments/occasional vacations. Even then, there is plenty to see here in the US. We have it damn good here in America! Some states...better than others.
I'm not saying that you can't find all this outside the US. For those who go looking, I truly hope you find your Shangri-La.
I guess that depends upon your idea of rural. The town in which I currently live, with 100 being the national average, has a murder rate of 16 and Robbery Rate of 14 (Chicago is 351 and 444, respectively). Most of the very rare murder cases, the parties knew each other (ie...domestic disturbances).
AHHA! I have found your problem...