How many people in the US have been directly affected by ISIS...or even somewhat indirectly affected for that matter? My guess is that the number is extremely low. Now how many people in the US are being subsided by the governemnt for their food, healthcare, housing, and just overall spending desires? My gusss without a google search is north of 50 million (and I'm sure it's much higher than that). How many people in the country feel that evil cooporations are limiting their freedom? How many minorities are being told that it's 1960 again and if you vote for a certain political party that their Civil Rights will be restricted? Let's see what else...oh yes, war against women, war against inequality, etc. My point is that until people perceive ISIS and border security as a true threat, millions of people are more concerned about what the government can take from you to give to someone else. If you haven't already done so, read up on Saul Alinksy. He had figured out that if you can get a bunch of different groups angry about a central theme then you can appeal to all of those groups and win their support (ie votes)--this is how 'community organizing' works.
Why label the Fort Hood shooting as anything but 'workplace violence'? If you call it what it really is then some of the people I described above might start to think that politicians are not strong leaders, and these same politicians want you to buy into the entire grievance industry, not be concerned about a lack of security. And flu disclosure--I'm personally much more concnerned with what is coming across our borders than what is happening in Syria and Iraq (I personally believe that is a war for other nations to fight).