I just had an TCFSD ETP and an age waiver completed by NGB. I'm a prior Army Guard Infantry officer with over 5 years commissioned service (which required an ETP) as well as an age waiver, just in case the process took so long to complete. Be forewarned, this is not a fast process and I was turned down to even interview at several units due to prior commissioned service, as well as being 27 at the interview. I was hired in JUN 2013, service transferred and swore into the unit in DEC 2013, and I just received the papers back at the end of DEC 2014. Granted, I believe this could have gone a lot faster had the recruiters not changed over and been in possession of what an ETP/Waiver package looked like. Consequently, I dont believe my unit will be hiring anyone with age/ETPs in the future due to this headache- sorry guys! My unit could be an exception and I highly recommend EVERYONE try for it!