I'm sure the movie will be appropriately cheesy but I would have absolutely no qualms whatsoever putting a Hellfire on the bad guy's head via RPA. Having had encounters with various forms of insurgent ordnance while in far away places I have no sympathy for any of them...especially ISIS. Warfare is as much about getting in the enemies head.....IEDs, mortars, rockets.....can't shoot back at them.....and that I can assure you is frustrating.....bad guys know it....well guess what ISIS...we're giving you a taste of you're own medicine.....now you're getting "IEDs" back...via air mail. This a way to get in the bad guy's head for a change. Having spoken to some less than respectable types in the past I know it does. Thanks to all you guy's in the RPA world...long hours and all...hit'em again