Dear Senior AF Leader Who Finds Themselves At Al Udeid For a Few Days,
Please decline your DV billet and demand that you be put in a random CC billet. After waking up in the middle of the night to balls of mold pelting your face and throwing out your towel and uniforms, because the mold stink won't come out, give the order to burn the CC to the ground. Having stayed in both, I can honestly say sleeping in a tent less than a hundred yards downwind of the Kandahar pooh pond was preferable. Fermenting sh&t might stink, but it doesn't breed in your lungs.
P.S. - They have these things called "dehumidifying air conditioners." I'm not even sure where we came by non-dehumidifying ones. It's a pretty standard feature. If new buildings are a bridge too far, just replace the A/C units as they fail due to mold injestion. You were going to buy a new one anyways.