In theory all the air to air comms of bandits/groups etc can be plotted and kept track of off the bullseye even in the tanker. And if it were real life, you bet your ass I'm keeping up and knowing what is getting close to my slide/scram trip numbers and who is or is not engaging so I know who is saving my ass. There is a training deficiency and a general malaise in the tanker community to understand air to air comms, and leaving my life and other's gas solely in the hands of the AWACS is not the best TTP. Obviously the better TTP would be dedicated CAPs for the HVAA. The authors the War on the Rocks article "Short Legs Can't Win Arms Races..." argues this point but as a means to get the gas in the threat environment since it is forever extending. Not sure this is a good idea (I'm sure there are much smarter opinions on the idea here), and neither is the author as he only says it needs deeper exploration.