I'd hope people realize that a potential $35k bonus simply corrects the current $25k bonus for 15+ years of inflation. I doubt it would meaningfully change the dynamic- those who take the bonus now or at $35k are still those who were going to stay anyway. Based on what folks talk about in my community, I'd say the bonus would have to be approaching $50k to get people who were headed out the door to change their minds.
As for the 8 years AD/7 years ARC UPT ADSC... would be interesting to see how that would work. Is AD going to force ARC units to hire people? Does the ARC get a say? What if the ARC doesn't operate whatever you flew on AD, or if you want to change an airframe... who pays for the new qual? Sounds like the brainchild of some AD staffer that doesn't understand how the ARC works, which isn't surprising.