You beat me to it . . . in my neck of the woods, we like to say, "correlation does not equal causation."
- I'm sure oil has nothing to do with Norway's per capita success, Swiss success has nothing to do with being surrounded by a whole bunch of other countries (plus the U.S.) who by default provide for much of their country's defense (which frees resources for more economically beneficial outcomes), . . . I could go on
- He also conflates "clinging to religion" with subscribing to Christianity; last I knew, Pakistan, Chad, Afghanistan, etc. weren't majority Christian countries, yet he somehow ties their lack of success to the percentage of those in economically unsuccessful southern American states that have relatively large populations of people who self-identify as Christian . . . but he ignores other structural and historical problems with those states
HLF does an impressive job of attacking straw men. I suggest not feeding this troll.