A special snowflake such as you needs to be immediately identified by your chain of command, so be sure to call your commander before you show up. Ask him to start working on an exemption to policy (ETP) memo for you to ensure it's ready when you arrive. That way, you can quickly eschew the dorms and move into that cushy apartment off base. After all, you're a 2nd Lt, and you deserve a nice place.
Since all of your hard work has made you the high-speed guy you are, make sure to schedule an appointment with the WG/CC shortly after you arrive to discuss his discriminatory policies. There, be sure to have a multi-page report prepared that outlines your various accomplishments so far in your illustrious ROTC career (to include pictures of your ROTC ribbon rack and information about all the job experience and cadet rank you accumulated at your detachment) so he can know you're the real deal.
All that should help your case and promptly get you identified as a rising star in your community. Nowadays, you can't start that process too soon, so hit the ground running!