I'm just spitballing here, but I think there may be a few considerations. A FAIP is still doing basic AF airmanship and teaching it (fundamentals of flying, pubs, comms, etc). Even with 4 years of heavy flying and an MC-12 mixed in there, I'm already losing some of those things. There are flghts, even months were some units don't even talk on a radio. For example, unless you do LR, you aren't going to have checked a real set of aircraft forms or beat up the traffic pattern; you take an IRC, but you'll never look at the -217 and remember how to hold in ICAO; I bet everyone here has been on 6-8 hr flights where you didn't even change the nav mission and just stared at the same dirt compound as yesterday. Some RPA guys might get really good in an airstack, relaying comms, and helping plan weapons effects; but there aren't a lot of follow on platforms that's going to help out unless you were a -38 guy going to a B-1 or a Toner guy that gets a rare AFSOC assignment. My advice, if you drop an RPA save up for an RV-4, split it with your buds and keep flying in normal airspace. If nothing else go do Launch and Recovery.