1) you miss the point: it's precisely BECAUSE people have a basic right to life that they then are enabled by 2A to defend their right to life against anyone--especially gun toting thugs 2) it's not paranoia, it's reality--the world is a dangerous place and there's nothing as dangerous as a person who wishes you harm. Better to be vigilant. Go redo your anti terrorism CBT...this time read ALL the examples....the threat is real. I'll caveat with some people are idiots when it comes to carrying. 3) perhaps someone armed at the scene could've prevented further bloodshed. We'll never know. I'll bet there are three people who'd choose to go there armed if they knew in advance what was going down. Since we don't know, it's better to be prepared. 4) you may be right that no one could stop him...but why restrict my right to try to defend my life on equal terms when confronted like that? Besides, he could've chosen a bat, knife, grenade, suicide vest, axe, car, whatever...