They might get deeper in the mire but this will distract attention, resources and efforts from Eastern Ukraine. They may play the energy card but they need cash more than they need to scare the Europeans so I think Gazprom will keep the NG flowing but history is replete with stupid decisions so there's always a chance of that. Asad is annoying and a tool of Iran but screw it, ISIS needs a royal ass kicking not just because they're a bunch of crazy murderous a-holes but because the global jihadi movement needs the winds taken out of its sails. Russia has a TTP - kill everybody and who cares what anyone thinks, not moral but can be effective ref Checnya, sometimes not though ref. Afghanistan. Round 2 of the GWOT: Russia kills ISIS. We keep the Taliban at bay. France keeps the jihadis down in Mali. Drones as required everywhere else. Trace the money, tap the phones, intercept the e-mails, hack their servers and never apologize for fighting Islamic Fascists. Post Script: Good article on a proposed COA, take their capitol and empower players emasculated / disbanded by ISIS BL - do something, the Europeans should get all over this to stop the refugee flow, or at least part of it.