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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2015 in all areas

  1. I'll put my two cents worth into this discussion because it's a subject I deal with every day in my job. I think you're attacking this discussion from the wrong end. Rather than discussing airframes at this point, the best approach would be to start with what you want to do. There are already different ideas in this thread about what you're looking for. I'd be getting all the players together (the MAJCOMs that use the finished product (pilots), the training commands, other Services that might want to piggy-back on the new system, the loggies that have to maintain the system, etc.) and spend some time investigating what they need in the future as a training system...train for what, train how, train how much, etc. How much has to be in the air, how much via sims, how much via classroom academics. Once you have the requirements figured out (absolutely must have, important to have, good to have, nice if I could get it but not a driver, etc.) then you can start looking at training systems (airframes and other training capabilities) to see what fits your needs best. Then it becomes a tradeoff for capabilities vs. maintainability vs. cost.. Of course, mixed up in that are political realities and other non-technical games (corporate PR, etc.). When all that gets done, you get to the selection decision. What do I need to train with in the future, not what current airframe option will do the best job in my old training scenario. Sounds simple, but it isn't
    2 points
  2. Well, yeah: financial infidelity counts both ways. Sure, the training did a shitty job of reflecting that reality, but it was never about pickup trucks regardless.
    1 point
  3. Yep--standard ops. Progressive politicians will tell you how important our public schools are, how we can make them great, how they just need more money, blah blah blah...but the vast majority will never send their children to these schools. Another issue is 'climate change'...it's so dangerous and so horrible, yet progressive politicians and elites will have huge (and often multiple) houses using far much more energy than a typical American. They also travel more, are more likely to take private jets, etc...yet it is my fault for driving a 4 cylinder car to work. Judge people on their own actions and you'll usually learn their true intentions.
    1 point
  4. Rainbow sherbet was in my top 3....https://youtu.be/YbYWhdLO43Q
    1 point
  5. Probably something like this: Proposed Safe Zone is getting circulated with about 0.69% of happening. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/us-said-it-will-create-a-safe-zone-on-syrian-border-but-nobody-knows-how/2015/08/12/4c7d0baa-37e4-11e5-ab7b-6416d97c73c2_story.html Just as soon as we commit to an open ended 100k boots on the ground, not holding breath...
    1 point
  6. This discussion reminded me of an old ESPN commercial.
    1 point
  7. I read "The Martian" twice, then decided I wasn't going to ruin the experience by going to see the movie. Then I saw a couple trailers... and ended up watching it last Friday night. OUTSTANDING movie! There's no way they could've packed as much detail into a film as there was in the book, but they did a pretty good job of getting the point across. The film is pretty faithful to the book, with a few exceptions, but IMO the exceptions didn't detract from the overall experience. I did not feel like my money was wasted.
    1 point
  8. Are you making a living, middle class wage off of it? If so, good on you. I've always wondered how hard that would be to get into. One of the only downsides to being stationed overseas is the access (and price) to the movies. For what it's worth, your post about the movie lost me with all the parenthesis and "Oscar-nominated" add ins. Expected for an IMDB plot summary, but not a no-shit review from a human. Also, there is no such thing as an astonishing cast, unless they managed to resurrect Ghandi or George Washington to be in it. /unsolicitedfeedback Good on you for getting into that gig. I'm jealous.
    1 point
  9. -1 points
  10. the AF will contact you shortly due to the pilot shortage. hold your breath. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    -1 points
  11. How is bumming these day's with the supposed reduction of forces in the middle east?
    -1 points
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