You just took a bunch of money to leave active duty and you landed a good job. Now you want to go back on AD, at a UPT base, as a Captain? Huh? The return to AD guys we picked up back in '10 & '11 were all 0-5s who were furloughed and working for the Guard. They came back on AD to try and earn a AD retirement (most of them did), and because they were 0-5s that were legally non-promotable. No one wanted to fuck with them. I doubt that would be the case with you. Do you really want to leave a gig at a major so you can make 2nd year pay, work 55 hours a week, live in a podunk town, and have your wings taken away by a power-tripping Wing King over jokes taken out of context in private text messages? To each his own I guess...