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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2015 in all areas

  1. For civilians, the Recruiters email the application package for you. So... ask to see a copy of the email? Talk to the Recruiter's boss? These seem like douche-y moves but but Recruiters have a trend of screwing things up.
    2 points
  2. Do you mean the latest you and your phone, computer, post, whatever, etc... are open for scrutiny, search, investigation and you are responsible for every communication that can be judged with out cause ? From JQP: https://www.jqpublicblog.com/in-message-to-wing-commanders-welsh-declares-zero-privacy-doctrine-for-all-airmen/ This is Orwellian.
    1 point
  3. Have been using it since its release, great app!
    1 point
  4. Typical lib thinking. "If I get rid of any even potentially offensive capability the bad guys won't fear me and therefore leave me alone and the whole world will be peaceful land of rainbows and teddy bears. Oh, and then we can funnel all that money into social welfare programs." GMAFB!
    1 point
  5. If in training why would you really care? I'm not familiar with adsb's exact capabilities but can't they already get your rough position with 3/c? If stranger traffic were also on adsb it would in theory make it a lot easier to set a 5 km bubble around them and not have to knock off the entire war. I heard rumors that the F-35 had ads-b.
    1 point
  6. Training fence in? Or combat? If we're worried about fat dumb and happy doctors flying through the moa, having the adsb off would defeat the purpose. I don't want any yahoo tracking my location in the US or otherwise.
    1 point
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