That's not what I am seeing. Unless someone is ANG/AFRC, they may be "RPA only" and they only have to meet RPA Pilot standards. We see a handful of "RPA Only" every week. I have to caveat that I don't know the process, I just know who shows up at my door for an eye exam and what rules apply for the jobs they want.
Just got some dates. Seems like they are trying to get stuff going quicker. Hire: April 2015 Swear in: June 2015 FC1: July 2015 TFOT: January 2016 Del Rio: April 2016 No waivers. No Prior Service.
I'm glad that worked for you. Seriously. I went back and forth with AFPC arguing the same point, trying to get them to read the same note. The minion who I was dealing with didn't agree with your and my interpretation of the English language. Ymmv