Waiver guide is here: https://www.wpafb.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-160413-020.pdf
I cannot find a non-CAC MSD (Medical Standards Directory). If you have CAC access, it's on the Knowledge Exchange. Most recent one is dated 02 Feb 2016. AFI 48-123 is no longer used for physical standards. I can tell you the only thing that has changed is that the standard for myopia for IFC I and IFC IA has become the old waiver limit and there are no longer waivers for myopia. This was a mere formality to reduce the number of waivers that were nothing more than an exercise in typing. It did not change who could get in and who could not. I may be able to upload a copy of the MSD, but I'd rather ask a few people if that would be appropriate before doing so.