I am by no means a blue kool aid drinker but there are two sides to this coin. I am planning on getting out soon and going to the airlines. However, I heard recently that roughly 1/3 of all males won't make it to 65, and only around 25% of all airline pilots will make it to 65 without losing their medical for a period of time. Let that sink in. Also, we know that the airline industry is volatile. Hopefully, those of us who are getting hired now will be bullet proof from furloughs etc, but you never know. Also, look at how airline management teams are fighting tooth and nail to avoid better contracts for pilots. Doesn't seem like a healthy relationship to me. Health insurance costs are also significantly higher on the outside. If you have something go down you could take a pretty big hit.
Just some food for thought.
Everyone talks about the money you could lose at the end of your career if you don't go to the airlines now. Well, how do you know you'll live that long? Will you be able to hold your medical into those years?
To me this isn't a money decision. It is a quality of life decision.