I'm actually unsure of the message we are sending the world. Lemmie drop some info about the Korean perspective, courtesy DLI and a year doing ROKAF ACSC:
Obviously, the Koreans aren't thrilled about a Trump presidency. They're certainly nervous, as most of their news about the US is translated almost directly from what CNN and the AP pump out (watching the news cycle hit here about 6.9-36 hours after it breaks in the US is interesting). It's no surprise they think Trump a crass madman...that's what CNN told them. Thanks, CNN.
So, after the Mattis announcement, I perused Korean media online. The majority of the copy does indeed focus on Mattis' experience leading troops in the middle east. However, this isn't necessarily seen as a positive here on the ROK, as local media generally view the Iraq war (and to a small degree, Afghanistan too) as a costly failure and huge strategic mistake. (I'm not here to argue this point...I'm just telling you about the Korean perspective.)
The rest of the copy I've read describes Mattis as a general that's really respected by the US Military and by US Conservatives. Again...this fact also carries positive and negative baggage.
I'd like to say that he's quoted well in Korean media, but that's not the case yet. The only time I've seen him quoted was a direct translation of his "it's fun to shoot people" soundbite about killing terrorists that deserve to die. But only the "fun to shoot people" part of the quote was printed...what was NOT included was his discussion about how the people he likes to shoot are all dickwads that rape women, kill kids, rape little boys, and are generally assholes.
Also (and partially thanks to Mr. Trump), he's now "Mad Dog Mattis" to Korean media. Not "Chaos Mattis," which the general has been rumored to prefer.
So, to readers of Korean papers and online media, you have a USMC former general who commanded in long, bloody Asian land wars, who has said "shooting people is fun," and everyone is calling him "mad dog Mattis."
Koreans are, understandably (albeit incorrectly) scratching their heads and thinking "what the fvck-mida?"
I'm certain that Gen Mattis will impress as soon as he starts giving speeches as our SECDEF, but he's got an uphill battle over here in Asia. What we view as a smart, seasoned, and cautious general (who really brings the pain when it's appropriate), Asia views very differently. It doesn't change MY mind about Mattis (I think he's Mr. Trump's best pick yet), but just FYSA.
I just typed too fvcking much....and I just remembered that no one cares what the ROK thinks. Thanks for reading anyway. Maybe someone finds it interesting.