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  1. Notified that I was selected by AFRC today! Board met 5 and 6 Sept and today is 29 Sept. Recruiter said they'll get me an email soon with 340th training group info and OTS info soon to follow as well. Looks like they worked in OTS dates pretty quick this go around?
    1 point
  2. I had mine put: MEMORANDUM FOR AIR FORCE OFFICER SELECTION BOARD ... To Whom It May Concern: Some boards wanted it formatted and addressed a specific way. I'd recommend asking your LORs to give you a Word document format of the letter under the stipulation that all you're changing is the heading, date, and who it is addressed to. If they're comfortable, they'll let you.
    1 point
  3. Part of the problem is commanders conditioned to take the word of GS-6s just because they work at the MAJCOM. 8th AF/CC and AFGSC/CC were very clear last time they were here trying to sort out the rated officer retention problem: the only person who can tell a commander no is a higher level commander. Not a GS-6, not a functional at the MAJCOM. The only person who can tell your WG/CC that they can't give you a DNP is the NAF or MAJCOM commander.
    1 point
  4. Wing Kings were laying serious cash down on bets with other Wing Kings. At a newcomers brief at Mildenhall the Wing CC gave his spiel then told me to stand up and asked if I ever played. Next thing I know I'm suited in pads for practice that evening, I loved it. I heard the German bases were raiding Army barracks for players, it seemed the the German bases had huge O and D lines than the UK bases. It wasn't fair that Woodbridge Bentwaters had Chad Henning suiting up for them. Did that guy even fit in a A-10.
    1 point
  5. I would like this Air Force back please.
    1 point
  6. Nice job! I would say you need to start sending out some packages and reach out to units to go visit so you can interview before you're 28. It may be worth it to consider retaking the AFOQT to get some of your other scores above the 50th percentile too - but I think you said you were already considering it.
    1 point
  7. Ahhh game day at Bitburg 1986... complete with cheerleaders, tailgate parties and beer! Fun, fun. Only downside to USAFE football was losing flightline guys "TDY" to the gym for months at a time during the season. Heard many a rumor that Wing Kings would trade players like the NFL, I guess winning the USAFE Trophy (or whatever it was called) was a big deal on their OER.
    1 point
  8. I wouldn't call the person a rogue...this is a new policy that old procedures haven't caught up with. GS-6s follow the procedures they're given. I wouldn't expect one to just look at a policy memo (even from the CSAF) and then selectively interpret how to implement it. Someone owes that person better guidance and instruction. In any case, your SR and MLR will have a more authoritative take on implementation.
    1 point
  9. Allow me to play devils advocate - There is no rule about being a shitty commander.... the order is both legal and internationally ethical. No Fraud Waste and Abuse is at stake (not counting your time.) What would an IG do with this?
    1 point
  10. 317th AW is AMC and at Dyess, in Central Texas.
    1 point
  11. Hopefully C-17s get a waiver from the waiver, otherwise we will look forward to more gear up landings at the wrong airfield.
    1 point
  12. At this rate, there won't be any bros left in a few years.
    1 point
  13. My commander tried to do this for our guys. Schedule a T-6 CT XC to Maxwell when we had guys there. Allow them to do some Saturday flying, at least once during their time there. It got shot down by SOS leadership. Apparently, that "wasn't fair" for everyone else, along with the risk they could divert and he could miss class Monday.
    1 point
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