Watch "The Big Lebowski" while you're stranded waiting for a rotator for explination of wording. You should be able to watch it approximately 200 times.
Interesting discussion here from 11 years ago when CSAR was moved from AFSOC to ACC - rationale seems to have been more funding / priority vs competing with SOF missions programatically.
maybe they are "isolated personnel" at WIC my good sir, but identifying them as "isolated" does not help us fight "jointly" together. and you should never assume their "isolation" shows your (dare i say) ignorance
please refrain from such assumptive language and use "joint partners"
What would potentially change from my (customer) POV? If the rescue bros will get better support from AFSOC, then do it. I think AFSOCs mindset on some things would benefit them over staying in ACC. But that's just an outsiders perspective, I could be way off.