Absolutely. A decent aftermarket trigger group, individual trigger springs, lighter buffer tube/recoil springs, etc. This article nails it: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2017/10/daniel-zimmerman/reader-weve-painted-corner-bump-fire-regulation-gun-control/
TLDR: If the ATF is charged with following the letter of the law, the law means nothing since the only means of mechanically increasing the rate of fire is to decrease the time required for the gas to cycle the bolt. That's obviously not the intent. If the ATF follows the intent of the law, the law is insanely broad; it doesn't mention bump-fire stocks by name, and opens the door to all manner of stupid regulations.
GOP: grow a goddamn spine, half a brain, and stop pandering to the left/emotional hysteria with useless/bullshit/unconstitutional laws that have zero effect on an evil person's ability to be evil.