Yeah most of us applying, in my opinion, who need waivers are prior enlisted or prior officers. I have 8 years service already and plan on staying longer than 20 if I can.
I'm 34 and had one approved by the Reserves recently. Guard units I talked to specifically asked about age waivers to NGB and were told they shouldn't be a problem. I talked to a Col. while I was at Wright Patterson for the flight physical and she said she's sat on boards that gave slots to 39 year olds. You just have to convince the squadron you're worth the extra paperwork, and they can justify the waiver to their wing commander.
"Large portions of the aircraft, including a wing and the fuselage, were found intact after the crash, allowing investigators to identify it as an F-16, police said at the time of the incident."
Incredible investigative skills at play here.