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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Make sure your wife and girlfriend never meet.
    4 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Tough if they are related.
    2 points
  4. Good news for CV-22 guys.
    2 points
  5. I keep hearing "If your plan is to stay to 20". My plan is great but what about Big Blue's? We're always one waist measurement away from not getting the cliff vesting at 20.
    1 point
  6. Both of them. I was TDY there for a month about 6 years ago and there was a restaurant that wasn't half bad out the back gate, served everything from fried chicken to Chinese food. There were are few local ladies that worked there and actually were cute, until they opened their mouths, straight summer teeth, some are here, some are there.
    1 point
  7. Like I said before, a lot of this reversal in popularity can be explained by loss aversion. You may want to read up on how professional organizations do polling; your characterization of how it works is not remotely close to accurate. This is not a bad summary. The biggest threat to modern political polling accuracy is reaching people who only have cell phones and actually getting them to respond to the poll questions. Today there’s a lot of art that goes into how you blend responses from land lines, cell phones and online surveys to still get an representative slice of the population...things were much simpler when the vast majority of voters had landline numbers listed in the phone book and you could call them during dinner and have them pick up. There’s big money for the companies and organizations that can consistently demonstrate accurate results, so legitimate polling outfits have every incentive to be accurate and stay ahead of the curve in how to solve the challenges that exist.
    1 point
  8. It was made to be difficult, it was made to be slow. And if you think our politics are bad, watch the House in London sometime, we seem down right civilized.
    1 point
  9. Not much to it besides doing well on the PFA, paying enough attention in class to pass the academics, and not getting caught doing something stupid. If you want to be a DG in OTS that's a different story, but don't be that guy.
    1 point
  10. https://northmiss.craigslist.org/cto/d/chrysler-pt-crusier-turbo-gt/6414929347.html this might be perfect for ya
    1 point
  11. What were the demographics of the polls? I'm not a health insurance expert by any means, but from my family's experience, the ACA has fucked over the middle class big time. Examples of that is small business was hurt (e.g. my in-laws had to let their employee count drop because they could not afford ACA mandates) and my parents' premiums and co-pays went up substantially, to the point I think they're very close to being in the same position as some others' family members mentioned above. Even the blue collar world has been affected to some degree (reference less jobs available in my in-law's town). Now, I do know there are a lot of blue collar/choose to be on welfare types that love ACA (again, referencing my in-law's town). It's damn near free health care for them, why wouldn't they like it? That crowd also doesn't care about less jobs in reality because they're happy to stay on welfare/suck at the government's tit for the rest of their lives. Bottom line, healthcare is fucked and needs an overhaul, and it blows my mind that anyone in the middle class with sense thinks ACA is the answer.
    1 point
  12. He is a doctor, don't let him be shy. BRS is a good deal IF PEOPLE SAVE MONEY. I heard a stat the other day that 70% of Americans don't have 1 month salary in the bank "just in case" . Gotta get that TSP match, and for those who do: https://federalnewsradio.com/mike-causey-federal-report/2017/08/16000-self-made-fed-millionaires/
    1 point
  13. Counts as normal pay, so no. You only get tax free up to the maximum enlisted rate, which is fairly close to that of a major making flight pay before the bonus. Since combat zone exemption is pretty much already max'd out as a major, the bonus goes above that amount and is taxed. Obviously your tax bracket may be lower for the bonus, so you do save tax money in the long run, but not tax free.
    1 point
  14. You assume, of course, that reunification would look like South Korea .....
    1 point
  15. My bar napkin math recommendations for guys is not to take BRS if you intend to make 20 good years (either AD or ARC) unless you're just starting out. If you're just starting out (~less than 4 years service) you have many more years of TSP matching contributions (16+) and there's just inherently more uncertainty on you actually making it to 20. BRS is an outstanding deal for every single service member who doesn't make it to 20 years of service...they get something rather than nothing under the legacy system. BRS is not a good deal for service members who make it to 20 years of service in general, other than those in the future who will have received the most years of matching contributions, always saved enough to receive the maximum match, and had good luck in terms of favorable market conditions. BL: in your situation where it seems likely that you will make it to 20 either on AD or the ARC, I would not take BRS. I myself am making the same decision, ~7 years active, ~3 years Guard, and extremely likely to serve at least 20 years. The market returns on those TSP matching contributions would have to be unrealistically high and consistent to make up for the lowered pension percentage.
    1 point
  16. Active duty "light"? Your gouge is dated homey. We str8 up AD now. Nothing sets us apart anymore. Individual staff/non-flying Invol Mobs in AFRC now, just like regAF. If you're looking for reasons to quit this tonedeaf rudderless ship, SOS ain't it. Invol staff deployments are probably the near rock right now, at least in my corner of the ARC. Welcome to the Navy Reserves. And a big '2' on @SocialD comment regarding full time workload in the ARC right now. This shit's full stop broken, the airlines keep siphoning people away, yet the O-7s keep getting green slides on the stand up. Good thing I got that ATP before the old rules expired; I may need to quit the military and swing bitch gear for rent money earlier than planned if this bullshit keeps up. This place has lost its damn mind.
    1 point
  17. It's not about credit card points. When there's a delay in my travel voucher paying out, I can pay $50/month to my own credit card company, or dig into the savings and pay the entire GTC immediately. Given the frequency of voucher shenanigans, I know which one I would prefer.
    1 point
  18. The same Huffington Post which gave Hillary a 98% chance in winning the election? Oh ok...
    1 point
  19. Can confirm, studying the AFOQT study guides (Barron’s/Peterson’s or AFPCs) for a week and absolutely hammering the 4 sections that matter can create a huge jump in scores. Pilot score went from 49 to 98, resulting in a PCSM of 99. Looks like AFOQT retake improvement drives higher scores than TBAS. Just hope it’s enough for the AD board!
    1 point
  20. Here’s my answer by proxy to your 3 sentence challenge above: 1. I’m a pilot. 2. You’re not and want to be. 3. We’ve offered advice and you’ve argued about it’s merits so fuck you. That succinct enough?
    1 point
  21. Except for that it kind of does man. You get what hopefully is your dream job and you can’t be bothered to spend 3-4 days on the road to go make it happen? College graduate, sure. Adult and Officer? Questionable. Grow up dude. Also, nickel’s worth of free advice. Probably not the best move to ask folks in this line of work, who traverse the country and the world every 3 or so years, about how you don’t have the desire to take a little road trip. I mean really. Also, what was your plan for after UPT and/or every time you move for the rest of your life?
    1 point
  22. i see we've drastically lowered our standards already.
    1 point
  23. If that happens, failures will be counted in terms of Class A's.
    1 point
  24. There is no way a current upt stud out of phase 2 could go directly to the B course. Unless they're a prior atp or what have you. They can barely read an approach plate much less fly a multi leg mission. They're used to a very responsive and forgiving plane that it's easy to get back from mistakes in. And if it's into Fighters they've got less than 20 hours of formation flying under their belt before being shipped to iff. There is something to be said for time in the seat and I don't think there is anyway that you can effectively shorten it to 6 months in the Texan without severely handicapping the end product.
    1 point
  25. I appreciate the fan mail but you should try explaining your comment . Insults without context seems strange to me. You don’t like what I said, ok I challenge you to tell me why in not less than 3 sentences.
    -1 points
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