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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2018 in all areas

  1. This fail brought you by US Cyber Command
    7 points
  2. Lt Gen Grosso briefed the Senate Armed Services Committee that it's still with SECAF last week, the "quality review board" that is...ha, appearance counts for too much. The lawyers are probably making sure the 'QRB' is legal.
    1 point
  3. I hope i find out tomorrow either way. Waiting until the 8th is almost criminal...
    1 point
  4. Since they never update the board status page, I emailed them and got an email back from the promotion people, the O-4 board was briefed to the SECAF and now with her “lawyers”. WTF does that mean?
    1 point
  5. I like how the solution is not, "eliminate the queep." It's "spend an extra $300,000 a year per squadron to do the queep."
    1 point
  6. I read it, but didn't see anything that looked shockingly different than AF fall protection program requirements. What did I miss?
    1 point
  7. My current Commander is a F15 WSO and he said he believes you’re less likely to get selected from rated communities due to their critical Manning and longer training time. Non rated dudes can have a “replacement” trained in a much shorter time than the 3+ years it takes to get a MQd WSO etc.
    1 point
  8. Did not use sir too much unless they were very senior to everybody. MX world we addressed officers by their rank, Capt, Major etc and of course the 2nd Lt whose life was being made miserable by a MX O-5 was addressed ell tee. If I was calling out a MX troop if in casual conversation I used their last name and if I started saying Amn Snuffy you know I was about to chew your ass. If my MX officer had a uniform infraction I would just make eye contact, point to my own uniform and he would look at his and fix the infraction, then I would just smile and walk away. Always keep it professional.
    1 point
  9. Execs in all squadrons used to be non-flyers. There was a 97E and then the 1-2 “flying execs” that were really only there to make sure the 97E didn’t screw up the OPRs. Then the exec “need” just kept growing and growing after they got rid of the 97Es.
    1 point
  10. I don’t understand not wanting to release a 12 series due to manning. If someone doesn’t have the foresight to realize you’d have an aviator for 10 more years rather than just a couple more until their ADSC is up and they either go guard or get out altogether and try to go airlines on their own dime at that point, then they deserve the shortage.
    1 point
  11. Spend the time fixing the glitch, take care of them well until then, and hopefully they'll take even better care than you. Show them what it means to bend over backwards to take care of things. Push feedback to CCs and up. I've had the pleasure and displeasure of working with non-mil and contractors are a mixed bag. Nice thing is that a contractor can be easily replaced and saw it happen (very quickly too). But a civ/cntr in training as the backbone, day to day guy... priceless. A civ in scheduling, nice. A civ doing all that other bullshit, like those dumbass 6-mo inspection checklists, that'll pay for itself. My idea, make all execs in all levels civs and you'll have mind numbing, glass breaking, career shattering, OMFG the world is ending, reactions!!!! But who knows, if the AF sees itself paying more for queep, maybe they'll get rid of it. HA! There's my joke for the year, had you all going, huh. Out
    1 point
  12. I like to think of it as the ultimate loss of innocence when dealing with AFPC. Lt's who worked thier asses off to get to their dream job of flying a fighter get it absolutely yanked from underneath them, through absolutely no fault of their own. The justification, execution, and subsequent "re-cat" program all served to irreparably destroy my trust in the Air Force, and every commander who tried to half-heartedly back it up. I don't like putting negative posts up here, but this was absolutely inexcusable. It served only to refocus my priorities on what is best for me and my family, with no allowance for "needs of the Air Force" anymore. Every single pilot retention survey I get, my response begins with "TAMI-21..."
    1 point
  13. Yep, I too like to shoot in "Full semi-auto." Out
    1 point
  14. It's when you're not one of the chosen, but you haven't realized that the only winning move is not to play.
    1 point
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