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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Is this the DRAM thing? Several years ago Travis AFB declared that every flying squadron wasn’t allowed to pour beer in the bar unless everyone was trained to recognize when somebody was drunk. Seemed to us at the time to be an obvious plot to get people to drink in their shitty combined club. The OG recognized the bullshit ploy, but was made to enforce it anyway. He held a special CC call and told us the bad news. Then, after watching a 5min video used for training Applebee’s waitresses, he declared the entire OG to be “DRAM OK”, pulled back the curtain to reveal a bunch of kegs and solo cups, and gave us the rest of the day off. A great piece of theater, and the only cool thing he ever did.
    3 points
  2. Agreed. But we had a SOF CSAF who was a complete doofus with a bowl cut and blues Monday.
    2 points
  3. Is there a way we can print this, laminate it, and send it certified mail to Gen Goldfein to ensure he gets it? Then hold his Exec's family hostage at gunpoint until he makes the general actually READ it.
    2 points
  4. "personing" the grill, please
    2 points
  5. 101st crew names released I knew Tripp from Ft Rucker and Andy went through the FTU with me. Both of them were excellent Americans. Andy and his crew personally saved 33 people on day 3 of the Hurricane Harvey response. Less than 2 months ago we handed over the reins in Iraq to them, they were all eager to continue the tradition of combat rescue....that others may live. [emoji481] Until we meet again.
    1 point
  6. I asked for my base because I'm going unaccompanied, and Columbus would put me within driving distance of my spouse on the weekends. Others who asked for certain bases based on, for example, their parent having trained there back in the day, weren't so lucky.
    1 point
  7. Depends highly on your training office. I told them what my preference was and got it but like anything else, they will take into account what you want and then put you where they need you to be.
    1 point
  8. Same here. 16 years between two ANG bases and never been searched leaving the base. I have, however, been searched getting on the base several times. The guards say, "Just go ahead and unload your handguns and put them on the front seat. We won't take them" Gotta love the Guard. Sometimes.
    1 point
  9. I’ve known the Johnson family since grade school. Brice was a class act and a hell of a guy. He will be greatly missed. Rest easy brother.
    1 point
  10. Probably because people were doing full hook turns by starting at their heading bug Wait, is that not procedure?
    1 point
  11. Back on topic: https://warontherocks.com/2018/03/air-force-in-crisis-part-iii-dear-boss-its-all-about-the-culture/
    1 point
  12. “Red solo cup, I fill u up, let’s have a party!!!......oh wait they’re searching us!! Oh well, no more Fs to give.”
    1 point
  13. Like if you hid TS material on a home computer? Sorry.....couldn't resist.
    1 point
  14. I have a hard time believing no ELP because that’s not how you do it in the Viper. The Viper flies loops different than a T-6 too. Lands different too. PA to Viper? Having never flown the Fighting Falcon, I feel confident that the ELP requires energy management similar to a C-130 Assault landing, an F-15 BFM set, and a 60 autorotation. It’s npt the maneuver, it’s the principle that applies to all airplanes.
    1 point
  15. Standups are going to get a lot easier... Your engine fails on takeoff---Boldface applies: EJECTION HANDLE - PULL You have an oil overtemp---Boldface applies: EJECTION HANDLE - PULL You have a gen fail---Boldface applies: EJECTION HANDLE - PULL etc... Or, we could continue to teach airmanship and a PIC mentality.
    1 point
  16. I know, let’s just let the FTU instructors just deal with it! It will make our numbers look good too!
    1 point
  17. I’m all for it. I’m sick of these German-American descendants distracting me and my fellow Scandinavian-Americans from making lutefisk and mead in our Flight room with their lederhosen and pretzel shit.
    1 point
  18. It’ll be a sad day when/if the green flight suits go away. I feel like we earned the right to wear them by earning our wings. OCPs just make me look like another ground pounder.
    1 point
  19. "Noted" -Every salty terminal Major ever
    1 point
  20. So I've been here about three months on my farewell tour (read: you seven day opted, so here's your non-flying 6 month gig right at the end of your ADSC). This place has changed a LOT. No required PT gear, no required disco belts, and mustaches reign supreme, although there seems to be a bit too much strict compliance to the Hitler rule. I've been rocking a Robin Olds throwback mustache ever since I got here and never got chiefed once. I finally got the "tone it down" from my boss who got the standard passive aggressive words from someone else to pass along to me. What BLOWS MY MIND is the people who still willingly wear PT gear with reflective belts. They're uncommon, but not rare. My buddies didn't get chiefed face down in the mud for these nerds to keep wearing that shit! Facilities continue to be in a state of decay. The remaining CC trailers are same as always, with thick black mold and rot. The BPC buildings are not much better. Their poor construction is beginning to show in the form of all the tiles being loose, large cracks in the concrete, and leaking during the rain. AC is also spotty in several of those buildings. The high water mark of insanity (October 09) appears to have receded to today's baseline of 6/10 on the dumb scale.
    1 point
  21. I didn't even get the option to choose, one day got the dates with the spot, that was that!
    0 points
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