They helped chew through the bulkheads. Both parties are broken. What they really want is power and status. That's why Democrats supported an obvious liar and apparent criminal who would keep the status quo over Bernie, and why Republicans would squander away the best legislative opportunity imaginable because of some worthless drama. Remember, these are the people who molest kids, cheat on their wives, don't pay taxes, use campaign funds for bribing pregnant mistresses (while the wife dies of cancer), solicit gay sex in airports while fighting gay marriage, expose classified material to avoid FOIA, use inside knowledge of future legislation to game the stock market, sext 15 year olds AFTER getting caught, lie about terrorist attacks, secretly support racist spiritual leaders, use methamphetamines, interns then cast them aside, think islands could tip over, need I go on? Trump is in NO WAY worse than these people, both sides. The only difference is the way he talks/tweets. And the most amazing part is that it was "dumb America" that recognized it, while the smarter, successful people (like say, military officers) somehow convinced themselves he was an anomalous threat. If you think Trump is bad, great. He is. But if you think he's somehow worse than the alternatives, you're ignoring some pretty egregious evidence.