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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2019 in all areas

  1. For the past while, I’ve been abusing my unit’s “Airline leave of absence policy” to improve quality of life.
    1 point
  2. The life support guys (whom I liked) asked me to please get permission as they were letting me fly with it and maintaining it.
    1 point
  3. I believe the recruiter is correct. ENJJPT applications were done during OTS for us. For those already on Active Duty status applying to UFT, the AF215 is the process. Things may have changed, but this was the case for me.
    1 point
  4. THIS OTHER LOGGING THREAD has some pretty good info. I linked to page 14, since it had some specific explanations of UPT time, but the whole thread is good. In a few other convos I've had, I'm of the understanding that if you have a PPL and an ASEL rating, you CAN log T6 time as PIC on flights you are the sole manipulator of the controls. It won't count as "sign for the plane" PIC time that some airlines are counting, but it does count as PIC since you are the sole manipulator. YMMV and opinions seem to differ, but that's my take...
    1 point
  5. PC approved. Initial submission was on 21 Nov, and as I look back at where everything sat it was the Wing and a Group that f*cked around with it all the most. Completed package got to AFPC/PC on 12 March...so, give them 2 months to process everything and you should be fine...don’t let the Group/Wing sit on stuff and hopefully everyone is smoother than my process. After all the delays and change to my requested DOS, ended up only being about 2 months off my UPT adsc. Good luck all.
    1 point
  6. The problem with that model is actually having people to swap. Many squadrons are currently not very well staffed...some squadrons have a shockingly low number on the LOX's. So a 6 month trip with a 90 day swap isn't going to do much when you don't have people to swap with...guest help only goes so far. This is compounded when you still have an alert mission to fill back home. 100% agree on your last sentence.
    1 point
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