I am surprised there isn't more discussion here of what is shaping up to be the most important election cycle of my lifetime. I don't think the difference in the two political parties has ever been more wide.
Democrats are offering everything under the sun in an effort to snag voters.
Free healthcare for illegals. What happens when word gets out that illegal immigrants will get that free health care? More seriously sick illegals start showing up. Disease shows up. That will just add to the burden that is already being placed on this country.
Homelessness is a huge problem in this country. Look at what is going on in California right now. Where do you house the additional hundreds of thousands of unemployed and homeless people who have crossed the border illegally?
100 billion dollars for blacks that are living in poverty, unemployed or underemployed who don't have the means to buy a house. This is meant to close the race/wage gap? The government has tried this before with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And my guess is, regardless of race, if you are living in poverty, are unemployed or underemployed, your credit reflects that. Are we really going to give folks with bad credit and no job/low paying jobs 25 grand to buy a house they don't qualify for or can't afford? And is this not the definition of racism? Giving government funds to a specific race? And see my statement above about the homeless illegals. We will soon be giving them money to buy houses too.
Free college tuition? No student debt? I think this one is brilliant on the part of the Democrats. They know that our education system indoctrinates young folks with liberal views. Especially, our colleges. The more young people they can get into that indoctrination system, the better. Aside from that, a bachelors degree becomes even more worthless because everyone has one and tuition rates skyrocket.
Reparations for descendants of slaves. Reparations for gays. How does that work? How much and to whom? If the check is big, I bet you see a lot of new gay folks. I am not saying I would slob a knob for 50k but I know some folks who would.
Medicare for all? Kicking 140 million people off of their current healthcare? Sh!t, it wasn't that long ago that the Dems were running on "keeping your healthcare and doctor". That sure changed quick.
The good thing is that your average American is not on board with any of this. The only folks who are, already vote Democrat. These policies aren't swinging any votes to the left or away from Trump. So far, Trump has been guaranteed reelection.
Rest assured, there are people hard at work right now working on the next fabricated scandal to take Trump down. It'll be even bigger than the Russian collusion story. They are just waiting on the right time to drop it. It'll be 6-9 months before the election and perfectly timed. That is all they've got. Free sh!t and made up scandals.