Banking may be a strong word. I just wish I hadn't been as blindsided by it. I had a whole series of commanders telling me how great I was, that I was integral to the mission, that I had improved the unit, that I was doing great work...then I got passed over. So either the boards were fucked up, or my commanders lacked the balls to actually tell me where I stood early enough to make a difference.
I did do the feedback with AFPC. Basically worthless, because they told me all the things I already knew:
1. Didn't get a DP, so I was already at a disadvantage compared to the majority meeting the board.
2. Not enough (read - zero) career broadening. Never got out of a bomb wing, so again at a disadvantage compared to people who went to a staff/ALO/non-flying job. Not that I didn't try...I applied for three of those AFPC mail robot things, including the one to be a finance officer, but I couldn't get released by my functional to do any of them.
3. Limited supervision time. As a rated officer in a flying squadron, I had at most 6 people I rated on at any given point. MX, LRS, SFS, etc officers are supervising 200+ airmen at the same time in their career.
4. Everything was flying. The board doesn't want 4 deployments and 2000 combat hours. They want one deployment, enough sorties to get one Air Medal, then they want you to move on to the next job.
5. Not enough Tier 1 strats. A lot of #x/xx shop chief, #y/yy flight commanders, but not enough early #x/xx captains.