Tough to beat Brick's briefing, but two that standout to me:
1. RAF test pilot. "If we have to eject, I'll call EJECT! EJECT! EJECT! and you should pull the handle. If you haven't gone by the third time I've said it, the words EJECT! are written on the bottom of my boots, and you'll be able to read them as my seat leaves the aircraft".
And an altogether different tact:
2. USAF test pilot. "If we have to eject today, you are going to die. You'll break your elbows on the canopy sill and will drown in the sea because you won't be able to swim or get in your raft. I will try and swim over to you, but because you'll leave the jet first and are heavier than me, you will enter the sea before I will. Questions?".