MARSRADIO, ex-phone patch net, provides Official / Morale phone patches, radio checks and METAR / TAF information for DoD units. Operators of the net are volunteer. For those that may be flying tomorrow, 24 February (1500z - 1800z), I'm asking you to considering calling in on our net and wish Ray AFZ5RS a happy 99th birthday.
Ray has dedicated his life to the military in one form or the other. He was a pilot in World War II and has been an active member of the MARS phone patch net since before the Vietnam War. We would like to left him know he is appreciated for his service.
Here is a flyer about the "operation". If possible, post in your operations area for others to see. I cannot say enough about Ray, his dedication and his professionalism.
Richard Duncan
Commander, 1st AFMARS Special Operations Group
Air Force MARS. 16th Air Force
11AFMS AFZ5RS Birthday.pdf