A shit-ton of money, successful business ventures combined with an obvious business acumen make you..... a very good businessman and entrepreneur. I give zero f#cks about his opinion on the future of manned air warfare.
Let’s see, a private industry tycoon who hasn’t spent a day doing anything involving warfare and the three star head of the Space and Missile Systems Center in LA/career acquisitions officer, talking about how the age of the fighter jet is over.
Yep, definitely some Subject Matter Experts right there...
I don't care about the gender neutral stuff... but I do care that they removed the line about those *who fly*. That's some everyone's important #iserved BS.
Ok, I’ll stir this pot. I’d honestly want to hear his answer if he were fully read into the scope and scale of the challenge and given time to develop a solution for US broad-spectrum dominance. I’ll bet it wouldn’t look anything like the net-centric lumbering command and control beast we use right now.
Smart people do things better than we do. If you’ve seen how an AOC works, you know I’m right. Just sayin
Unfortunately, in the era of the Air Force bringing in "Spark Tanks" and letting people like Mark Cuban make what end up equating to policy and funding decisions, we should cringe a little when people like Elon Musk open their mouths with regard to their (even if uneducated on the subject) opinions.
Let's also not forget how we keep ending up with defense contractor executives at the helm. Stuff like this isn't going away.
Be afraid...
Just had a bro hired by United a couple months ago. C-virus is overhyped by the media like SARS, Swine flu, etc. I don’t think this will affect anything in the grand scheme of things. True the Max has hurt more than United, but reference the first sentence - that happened well into the Max saga.
I just went back and checked my email invite from 2018 and there were about 40 email addresses on it. Not sure how many they typically invite for formal interviews.
The only thing keeping you from getting called for the interview might be felonies and drugs, but there are still plenty of ways to f up the interview, and not giving it the proper respect is the first way.