And we are closing out that show too... You act like there is an assumption we will just take the billion dollar deployments of units from the Stan and CENTCOM and transplant that to PI, African, etc... If it didn’t justify assets yesterday it won’t suddenly get the billion dollar stack we’ve become too accustomed too in recent years. We are broke, we are tired, we have to reset the military and buying stuff that would have been useful 12 years ago for a fight we are leaving isn’t going to be a big hit on the hill. It will lose its fight when people are asking to replace 25 year old armored vehicles or upgrade/replace a 45 year old 707 series of support aircraft that will be critical to a near peer fight. If your operation doesn’t justify all the help from ARSOA, U-28s, and AC-130s right now yet their mission still goes on, you’re crazy if you think there will suddenly be a JUONS that justifies AFSOC buying a bunch of light attack. Outside AVFID there is no and will be no appetite to put this thing to work. We are scaling back our SOF footprints because we desperately need too so what mass customer demand do you think is going to demand this, because they are the reason for its existence. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk