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  1. Agree with all above. What an awesome thing to watch.
    4 points
  2. The asterisk is on certain requirements that they have specifically for military candidates (they have it on OPRs and PT scores) - they also have a few items on there explicitly not for military candidates, like AFOQT scores. It's worded really weird but it looks to me like they're hiring both rated and for UPT.
    2 points
  3. We want lighter weight suits and helmets, but those Space X ones look like shit to me. Plus, there’s no parachute harness, LPUs, helmet tie-down, survival stuff, or helmets that turn. I also want to see one rapid-D in the chamber to 70k’.
    2 points
  4. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShadyImaginativeGrison-mobile.mp4 Different angle for the Falcon recovery landing. The video of that landing cut out while I was watching on nasa.gov. Sweet shot. Talk about the proverbial “heaving postage stamp”. Holy crap.
    2 points
  5. Yeah, it is. Poor taste would be putting it mildly.
    2 points
  6. Boots on the moon by 2024
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. That makes more sense to me and I agree the parlor tricks were dangerous, especially if you already are in poor health. Hence why I think the AF needs a more holistic approach and they need to start looking at what airmen are eating versus emphasizing so much time at the gym. It's 95% diet. Stocking the base's food courts with Anthony's Pizza, Charley's Grilled Subs and Pizza Hut no doubt contributes to this. And out health education in youngsters is abysmal Nationwide. Ill get off my soap box now.
    2 points
  9. Not sure where else to post this. WTF is going on with law enforcement?
    1 point
  10. The issues at hand are far more complicated than a simplistic and overly broad platitude. But thoughtful, nuanced discussions don't work with the advertising model and no one's righteous indignation fix will be met when it turns out that everyone is to blame.
    1 point
  11. Nothing to do with toughen up. America needs to do away with systemic racism. Period. Dot. Things about MLK not rioting are missing the point. Rioters are stupid, but the majority of people are peacefully protesting. White people love to dismiss the actions of racist bigots as not representative of the majority, but are quick to accuse an entire race of being guilty of something when it fits their narrative. I’m a white guy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. @admdelta @pilotcrum @badger23 Thanks a ton for the help and correction here; my sincerest apologies if I introduced any confusion. I definitely see what y’all mean here now, and each of you are spot on. Best of luck to all who apply!
    1 point
  13. Wording might be a little confusing due to the lack of punctuation or separation between requirements. If you break down all the requirements separately, you can see that is an UPT opportunity for both Civilian and Military who are prior rated or not. If you are Mil, then all items that have an asterisk apply to you in addition to the requirements without an asterisk. Good luck all.
    1 point
  14. Well, thats what i originally thought, but I think what it is actually indicating is that the certain items with an asterisk* next to them are required for prior rated pilots. But I will email them to confirm.
    1 point
  15. Million $ question. Mortgage Backed Securities investors on Wall Street set the pricing and banks/mortgage companies originate based on what each rate pays then add their overhead/profit margin. Big banks can be greedy because of name brand recognition plus they have higher overhead, but MBS pay the same to everyone. Some days investors are willing to pay more and some days they are willing to take less all based on demand, risk, cash available, and other investment opportunities. If the demand is there why would you take a lower rate of return? On the other end if you can make more money elsewhere or no one is buying then MBSs have to pay a higher rate of return to get buyers. There is no crystal ball, but I can tell you demand is very high at current rates/pricing. The future of rates is tied to what the broader economy and Wall Street will look like over the next couple years. Lots of opinions and opportunities out there right now. Jon
    1 point
  16. Behnken’s an FTE, not a test pilot.
    1 point
  17. Years ago, David Clark changed the design of the torso harness (i.e. parachute harness), to make it a touch lighter. The weight was irrelevant, but they removed all of the padding that made sitting in the suit so comfortable. The first time I wore my "new" harness was opening night of OIF on an 11+ hour sortie. I was more uncomfortable after 3-4 hours in the new harness than I would have been after 12 in the old one. Another dumb idea made without consulting the end user.
    1 point
  18. https://www.guardreservejobs.com/newjobboard/jobs/b-1-pilot/ heads up! If anyone wants a BONE.
    1 point
  19. Card counting is quite a skill. Is that supposed to be a strike against him?
    1 point
  20. You’re going to have to move to the unit location for at least seasoning, bare minimum. The length of seasoning and expectations afterwards likely differs a lot depending on airframe. At least with fighters, you need to be at the unit for around 5 days per month, and that doesn’t take into account days you burn not accomplishing required training due to weather, broken jets, etc. That is to say you’ll experience months where more than 5 days are required to get all the training done. Sure some guys make unique situations happen (for a while anyways), but there’s a reason the majority of fighter guys live at least within a couple hours, most sub-hour would be my guess.
    1 point
  21. I was blown away at the cockpit compared to the Apollo and Shuttle layouts.
    1 point
  22. Just a bump here, as we’ve had this topic come up in the Upcoming Boards thread, and I felt this was a great place to ask instead of starting a new thread: For those who have commuted beyond the local area of their unit—from an hour or more out, let’s say—what would be the furthest you’d consider to be reasonable from a unit to remain engaged, current, etc? Would the amount of time be relative to the mode of transportation (flying vs driving)? It seems a lot of this is relative: the airframe, mission, domestic situation, employment situation, being a new vs. already seasoned guy, etc.; I totally get that there’s not gonna be some one-size-fits-all answer. I’d love any additional thoughts, experiences, or guidance on what anyone may find as a “reasonable upper limit” in terms of time for travel to your Guard/Reserve Unit—especially coming out of UFT. The answer may just be, “don’t try to get cute, move there”, and that’s completely fair. It would just be cool to learn from folks who’ve done this to help better inform the radius of units we shoot for if there’s not a viable option locally. I also want to reiterate how much I appreciate what happens on this board everyday, especially all the time dedicated to helping hopefuls like myself. Cannot say thank you enough!
    1 point
  23. Oh dude I hear ya. The DFAC is probably the worst culprit. The point is though, the Air Force continues to approach health from the POV that it's exercise centered when it's mostly not. It's diet centered. Until the AF realizes and addresses that problem it will not stop a waist line epidemic in the force.
    1 point
  24. 4-year thread revival! This was over 15 years ago and I was a student so I didn’t have total insight into what happened, so there is that. From what I recall it basically came down to risk management, decision making and SA. His next-to-last flight, he ended up beak-to-beak at Gila Bend doing an SFO the wrong direction. His last flight he landed super-fast and passed the preceding aircraft on the runway. Dude, just go around. He also spent basically all of A-A phase in CAP due to something in TR we never knew about. I’ve seen more dudes wash out for basics - formation and landings so bad they’re dangerous in later stages of the course. It’s ultimately due to poor cross-check and misprioritization. Now that I’m on the dealing end of those decisions, I will say it sucks. Nothing about this job is as much of a downer as telling someone they’re done and the dream is over, even when you know you’re doing it for the right reasons.
    1 point
  25. Not a movie, but “The Last Dance” documentary about Michael Jordan and the 90’s Bulls was great.
    1 point
  26. California is so stupid
    1 point
  27. You’re recruiter is full of shit. Make them provide a reg that says that.
    0 points
  28. As of May 1st, Scott Kirby took the reigns of United Airlines. What's the big deal you ask?. Scott is a graduate of USAFA in the 80s. On his rise to the top, he was fired by American Airlines as President (2016) and prohibited from over 150 casinos for card counting. He did have his share of run ins with the American Pilot Union in negotiations. And you guys/dolls thought SOS wouldn't be beneficial in your career development. For all you future airline pilot hopefuls out there, remember if you're not sitting at the table where decisions are being made, you're on the Menu. Fly safe when you can.
    -2 points
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