Ok, I’m game to hear your “debrief of lack of effective leadership.” However for context I’d like to know three things up front:
What US elected leader did demonstrate effective leadership during the outset of C19 pandemic, or did they all initially bow to recommendations of “experts” who we know in retrospect were completely wrong (no outside transmission yet they locked us up and closed beaches, no surface spread yet they had us Clorox wiping groceries like idiots, etc.)? I’m trying to separate your analysis of Trump’s leadership from the leadership & recommendations from Fauci, CDC, WHO, NIH, etc.
Do you acknowledge the unprecedented alliance of democratic political operatives, major media sources, and insurgent insiders within the government who conspired together to promote lies, even at the expense of hurting Americans, in order to damage Trump politically while he was attempting to lead during the pandemic?
And finally, are you happy with our current national leadership regarding COVID; all the clarity of thought and consistency of guidance emanating from our CDC and White House?
providing your thoughts on the above questions will be helpful in filtering out genuine discussion from trolling.