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  1. would be fucking hilarious if they opened the cash bags and it was all just aafes pogs.
    16 points
  2. I mean there is more than enough reporting sources flat saying advice was given and overruled. They just aren’t stating it near as loudly and with outrage as if somebody else had done it. I mean yes I’m in the military and I’ll carry out orders even when stupid… but damn sure I’m gonna say to my boss this is F’ing dumb and will get people killed in the process of reminding us we could have done it better this other way. Fact is Biden and his staff gambled this wouldn’t happen, and lost. Now they are trying to slip out of that ownership with any chaff and flare they can throw. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    7 points
  3. I changed my settings so I don’t see his posts unless someone quotes him. I’m still assuming he is MyCS/Shazam
    5 points
  4. Is the German OG the reservists actual legal commander? If there were to be non-judicial punishment (which this is borderline), would a German have actual legal authority for that in the United States for a USAF IP? I've landed a fighter with an EP at an uncontrolled airfield. Everything turned out fine. Bit of a pain to get the fighter out of there because it required ACC/CC approval, but never heard anyone second guess me even though my leadership at the time was less than optimal. If it were me that this happened to, I'd be in the IG office, talking to the ADC, a civilian lawyer that knows military law, and my senator. The Q3 might stick, but it'll be so much work and pain that they would wish they never thought of it. Edit to add: in case it wasn't obvious, this Q3 is complete BS if this is indeed the true story. Also, if it is a true story, the reservists there should all be sick for the next month or two. Get it highlighted all the way up to AETC/CC when the whole base gets a month behind timeline to show that he has an exceptionally toxic commander that needs to be dealt with.
    5 points
  5. Can somebody block this clown? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  6. Land as soon as conditions permit…they permitted. And F-ck having a German OG. They are a shell of an Air Force, zero ability except following regs.
    4 points
  7. I’m sorry, but the ivermectin thing has me scratching my head. I’m all for any treatment that can reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms & help our society return to normal. Is ivermectin such a treatment? Well, maybe, but just like any other drug, it has to be tested and proven to be safe and effective in that role before it can be approved. As of right now, the FDA does not recommend ivermectin be used to treat Covid-19: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19 Somebody correct me if I’m wrong here: Many people who do not want to get a vaccine that has been fully approved by the FDA because they feel the testing was rushed are now willing to put a drug in their bodies that has not been tested or approved for the purpose of fighting this disease? Not only that, but some who’s doctors are not willing to prescribe this dubious drug are willing to get it from the feed store and figure out their own dosage? There seems to be a pretty big disconnect in the logic that would lead one to decline an approved and effective treatment in favor of an unapproved and questionably effective one. Let’s let professionals, you know, TEST these drugs before we put them in our body. I kinda thought that sort of thing was a big deal to the Tucker crowd.
    3 points
  8. No decent foreign senior officer would/should ever do anything so drastic without consult of other senior host-nation officers. I served in a coalition combat unit with some pretty inept NATO and other nation senior officers. Minus a few good eggs, the foreign O-6 crowd was a joke...in way over their heads but the good news is they knew it. My Aussie O-6 boss was interested in learning our USAF OPR system so he could "do better" but was a total LIMFAC and not worth the time- I deliberately cut him out of the process and convinced our USAF O-6 director of staff that he should rate on all of my dudes- it worked. Not all of the divisions did the same and they paid the price. BL- If the thread scenario is as described, cut this dude out of the process now. If your American leadership is not backing you up, elevate. Also, ENJJPT is a joke. Finally, can we please man up and stop dancing around this AFSOC guy who uses Q-3s like AMC? What is his name so we can hold people accountable.
    3 points
  9. Ivermectin, huh? We’ve already been through this with hydroxychloriquine. In case you’re wondering, yes, there were passionate “physicians” touting hydroxychloriquine in congressional hearings last year as well. People like you are convinced the government is covering up a treatment in a giant conspiracy. It’s almost funny to even think that the government is capable of that, but I digress. What happened? People took hydroxychloriquine anyways. Brazil prescribed it. Some random doctors went on talk radio to “expose the truth” about this miracle drug. In our case, it made it through the misinformation chain all the way through Fox News up to our previous President. Still with no evidence. A year later, there is now definitive proof that hydroxychloriquine provides no benefit, just as doctors said. Some studies show that it actually is associated with worse outcomes. Turns out being a conspiracy theorist with little actual scientific proof doesn’t work. News coverage and people pushing that treatment silently died out on OAN and Fox, weird, huh? Ivermectin is not a secret conspiracy miracle drug that is being ignored. There is a very low chance that it may be helpful - which hasn’t been proven whatsoever. You want to know what’s been proven via millions of people in large studies to combat the effects of COVID? Vaccines. Yes, natural immunity is a thing as well, I’m not debating that. Realize that doctors and researchers are not all government shills. They are on the range of political spectrums, and, by and large, they want to actually help people. Put a little more trust in your fellow American. Also, your insistence on calling an mRNA vaccine “gene therapy” seriously reduces your credibility. It’s honestly almost impossible to listen past there. It’s a talk radio tactic, just like calling Obama “BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA” every time they said his name from 2008 until now, but it doesn’t make your or their argument any more true. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210719/covid-19-vaccines-not-gene-therapy https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSL1N2PH16N https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/03/17/covid-19-mrna-vaccines-are-not-gene-therapy-as-some-are-claiming/amp/ https://www.genomicseducation.hee.nhs.uk/blog/why-mrna-vaccines-arent-gene-therapies/ Yes, I have already accepted that you think that webmd, Reuters, Forbes, and the NHS are all part of the deep state conspiracy to hide the fact that mRNA vaccines are IN FACT secret government gene therapy.
    3 points
  10. Somewhere on the internet, there is a forum of virologists arguing about how to fly fighter aircraft.
    3 points
  11. He's less coherent than either of those two. And I don't recall them using memes in every other post.
    2 points
  12. Fair enough...some of those may be deserved in the Cud Chewing community. However, was it in the middle when he crucified a U-28 bro with non-judicial punishment for losing his weapon then lost his own weapon in the shitter with ZERO consequences? How funny that his command chief found the weapon and returned it to him quietly. Was it in the middle when he ran a CV-22 into the trees and tried to keep going...then almost dodged the Q-3 when everyone else got one? I've personally talked to someone on that flight who thought for sure "he was dead" when they almost flipped over into the trees. I am far to close to the situation and know much of the inside baseball...He was toast but another maniac GO stepped in and told the boss "I can save and fix him." I was also in the room with that boss when he said "some people we can't let fail because they are so many years below the zone." They are so obsessed with making AFSOC/GOs they were willing to overlook a narcissistic lunatic.
    2 points
  13. I am trying to find some sliver of optimism in all of this catastrophe. Is this our "Suez moment?" If I wanted to be an optimist, I guess we can say few things were more humiliating than Saigon, but less than 20 years later, the Soviet Union was dead, Saddaam was spanked, and they had to coin a new phrase since "superpower" didn't seem adequate - "hyperpower." Similarly, Yorktown must have been pretty humiliating for the Brits back in the 1780s, but they had a helluva good run for the next 170 years or so. But man, oh man. I am racking my brains to try and find a more horrific month for American prestige and national security. I honestly think it's worse than Pearl Harbor, because AFG was so self-inflicted, and Japan was a helluva lot more formidable than goat herders yearning to live in the 7th century. I guess it doesn't quite rise to the torching of Wash DC during the War of 1812, or the Union incompetence circa 1862, but this is all absolutely unbelievable. If all this somehow puts the brakes on wokey wokey wokiness/defund the police/COVID tyranny/southern border/$3.5T "infrastructure" bills, as the left's appalling incompetence and callousness becomes obvious and indisputable, and "orange man bad" starts to ring really, really hollow, then at least that's something.
    2 points
  14. My grandfather fought the Krauts and all he gets to show for it is some d bag German coming over to our UPT base and Q-3ing one of our guys? fuck that.
    2 points
  15. ItS jUsT a StU..sTu..StUtTeR…. The C’est la Vie attitude over this by some is truly amazing. If Trump was in that seat they’d already be having an impeachment proceeding or screaming for the 25th amendment. Change parties, oh everything is fine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. Well, I said it before and I'll say it again. Sounds like the reservists and any other IP worth a damn need to take a page from the old airline union playbook and start having a sick out if the leadership does not fix this. 'My neighbor just tested positive for COVID, and we had some beers Friday night, so I should quarantine for a couple weeks.' Then make every flight an NE-WX or NE-MX or anything to put the program behind timeline and draw higher leadership attention to the brokenness of the the unit. If the OG can jump the SQ/CC and demand a Q-3, the WG/CC can just as easily trump the OG and revoke it. Minus not having a barrier available, what good would it do to have the airfield manned as long as the runway is clear? And, the T-38 still needs the net barrier right? Don't recall any net barriers available at any SPS divert. Also, not once has someone on the ground been of actual use to me in the air during an EP. I know that sometimes the SOF or someone else chimes in with some critical info and can save the day, but I doubt a civilian controller is going to be helpful. Fire and crash rescue would be desirable if the EP is serious, but unless I think I might go off the end or something, I'm not going to overfly a landable piece of concrete for that.
    1 point
  17. Now wait a minute. Enough of the 20 questions, is it a goddamned T-6 or is it a T-38? This actually matters a lot wrt the question of landing at SPS after hours for a generator failure, as the justification for a Q-3. Yuge difference in EP decision matrix between the two for the EP in question. It can very much be an imprudent decision to put a T-38 in a closed field (even home field) for a simpleton generator failure with good cross, with a suitable (rwy length is the big LIMFAC for 38 diverts) runway a mere 35NM north. Not so in the case of the single generator in a T-6 failing, which is much more time sensitive wrt time to total elec failure.
    1 point
  18. It’s hilarious how the antivax folks have been convinced they need to be against experimental vaccines politically (although that experiment just ended)… and instead put their faith in highly experimental unvetted glove save treatments. It’s pure dissension that is bred by social media and a combination of malicious and incompetent actors. If you’re in this camp, ask yourself if you think 2 years ago you would have been anti science? Would 2 year ago you have turned down an American made vaccine developed to combat a global pandemic that killed 650k Americans? The answer is probably no. So why is it happening? Bad actors are playing with you and the preying on the weaknesses of a “free society” when it comes to disinformation. Dogfish78 is an example of someone who, at best, is a victim to those disinformation efforts. At worst, he’s actively and intentionally trying to propagate them. At first, posts of people being hurt by disinformation made me scratch my head, now they just make me sad. Below is just a small sample of the last couple of weeks. A reminder that, statistically, had they been vaccinated, all of these Americans would have lived. https://www.rawstory.com/vaccine-hesitancy-2654291616/ https://news.yahoo.com/texas-anti-mask-freedom-rally-045722778.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/anti-vaxxer-dies-of-covid-days-after-saying-theres-nothing-to-be-afraid-of/
    1 point
  19. Hmmm, in my experience, if someone in leadership has it out for an individual, little things like integrity, consistency and fairness don't get in the way of going after someone. Not saying this is the case in this situation, just an observation. I'm reminded of the time in BAF when an E-Model WG/CC flew across Nixons nose (big time), and nothing is said/briefed/etc... Yet when one of my squadrons mates saw he was about to bust just the buffer (not the actual border), goes full AB in the turn (still busts the buffer), dude grounds him and threatens to send him home. Hindsight, being sent home wouldn't have been half bad lol.
    1 point
  20. Worth a listen, Angry Planet now 2 for 2 A Brief History of Lying About Afghanistan
    1 point
  21. Just don't take the version made for horses.
    1 point
  22. I used it for my helo ratings. Never paid a dime for comm/inst/CFI/CFI-I
    1 point
  23. My anecdotal story, stepson, 35yo, got the covid along with pneumonia. Wife asked the doc about ivermectin. Doc says "Oh no that's for animals we don't give it to humans". Fast forward and he winds up in the hospital in Gulf Breeze FL with a different doc. Wife asked new doc about ivermectin. She says "Oh yeah I've prescribed it for him". Stepson gets seven pills. He said within a couple of hours he started feeling better. Still spent a couple more days in the hospital. Funny how two doctors can be 180 out on medication.
    1 point
  24. But the “Core Values”?…or something.
    1 point
  25. The same guy who had a hardon for the Miley Cyrus FAIPs?
    1 point
  26. I mean… it’s a pretty basic principle of establishing any form of ground security that 2 is 1 and 1 is none. Overlapping fields of fire from mutually supporting positions, stuff like that is a requirement. It was never an either or with Kabul or BAF. The people asking why abandon BAF are doing so because what kind of idiot leaves themselves with only one security position and no mutual support. We could have just as soon operated both, and left both at the same time. That would have actually made sense… which is probably why we didn’t do it. We are actually repeating a mistake learned by the Marines during Lebanon, and again 15 years ago with Restrepo, but like most AARs, it was filed in a filing cabinet we set on fire and buried underground. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. Fogleman came to DM AFB as the Air Division CC (O-7) just as I was exiting the AF for the airlines. With that he brought Crud tournaments to the dying O'Club. The previous CC relished hauling in officers to Stand Up for minor infractions. The one that I witnessed, he was totally out of line. Fogleman was a welcome relief and the morale of the base changed overnight. Great dude! Buddy of mine was his investigative officer on the Khobar Tower bombing and repercussions to the CC.
    1 point
  28. Rudders are for strafing, BFM and as another speedbrake only!
    1 point
  29. I see the toxicity continues. A horrific sitting AFSOC three star gave double digit command directed Q-3s when he was a squadron commander.
    1 point
  30. Posting an image with text in it that directly refutes the information in a paragraph you just wrote is a new level of stupidity...and for you to reach new levels is not an easy feat. Kelsey was FDA "brass". The Thalidomide saga is a resounding success story for the organization and by extension all governmental health services in this country. The FDA is often derided for being too slow and conservative when deciding on approval of new technologies, but the benefit of their glacial pace is avoiding circumstances like the Thalidomide debacle, which they did. A LOOOOT of children were messed up by Thalidomide in Europe. The U.S. was largely spared because of the FDA. A small number of children were impacted in the U.S. by unregulated clinical trials of the drug, and following that, more restrictions were put on clinical testing to require FDA oversight so that it could be avoided in the future. Thalidomide was eventually approved by the FDA for treatment of serious ailments in adults that can consent to its use with full knowledge of its side effects. It was not approved when it caused widespread harm to unsuspecting mothers and their children. Your anecdote can only serve as evidence for why you should have great faith in something that has made it through the FDA approval process. The exact opposite of the point you thought you were making. Brilliantly stupid. To be clear: this occurs in every one of your posts. If you put half as much energy into a good-faith effort at educating yourself as you apparently do trawling the dark corners of the internet consuming nonsense conspiracy theories that a toddler would roll their eyes at, you'd have discovered the universal cure for cancer (which is likely to be mRNA based).
    1 point
  31. Biden presser what a nightmare the guy is totally incompetent
    1 point
  32. Controlled det. But it remains spicy here.
    1 point
  33. Just like folks who won't get the Covid vaccine.
    0 points
  34. Super delegates didn't thwart Bernie in 2016. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/jul/25/donald-trump/no-donald-trump-bernie-sanders-wouldnt-have-won-ev/ That's a claim Trump made to try to encourage division within the Democratic base, but like most things he says it wasn't true.
    -1 points
  35. 2. Biden was an opportunity to get from dumpster fire to "Bad within normal parameters," to paraphrase P.J. O'Rourke. We now have a guy who isn't the center of a personality cult. We can build on that.
    -1 points
  36. Knew not one but two dudes in the BUFF who would share videos on Facebook about how it was a mistake for South Africa to end apartheid. And at Dyess we have someone working at the sim building with QAnon decals on his or her car (also a Texas A&M car ornament, naturally). The crazies are out there. Edit: I swore I posted this in the Extremism in the Military thread... Must have gone full stupid or weird computer things are happening.
    -1 points
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