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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2023 in Posts

  1. Any time the Commander approaches us from now until notification:
    9 points
  2. If your overanalysis is correct... Today's the day boys and girls!
    5 points
  3. Double Standard Much? At least 10 classified documents were found Biden's time as VP found in his private office at his think tank (Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington). I am happy to see CNN step up and troll Biden with his own words, I am sure his mouth piece will spin this and make it Trump's fault. Very interesting that these documents were discovered two months ago, BEFORE the mid-terms, but they just released it now. I wonder when DOJ will launch a midnight raid and search the White House? https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/09/politics/joe-biden-classified-documents-upenn/index.html
    4 points
  4. Well the facts refute your emotional claim. Plenty of incentive combined with exceptionally great training programs and safety culture handed down is why we have a microscopic amount of accidental gun deaths. You clearly know almost nothing about firearms, the industry, or the related laws (thousands of them by the way), while simultaneously painting half of America as idiots who are reckless, don’t care about safety, etc…based on emotional conjecture and wildly inaccurate assumptions. Good work. You mean the one where the govt has to approve you to buy a firearm and you have to beg them to allow you to defend yourself with a firearm? Yeah, zero support from me on that bullshit. Go back to my previous post on history repeatedly demonstrating why 2A is critical to our country’s survival.
    4 points
  5. F in the chat for us East and Central timezone homies, everyone has already gone home! Aghhh
    3 points
  6. Glad I'm not the only one. Trying not to think about it, but it's just not possible!
    3 points
  7. You’re right! But, it is a GS-13 that probably has 0730-1630 hours 😂
    3 points
  8. I've been refreshing the forum and the rated assignment portal all day at work. I'm going crazy! I think it'll be tomorrow, they dropped it on Jan 11th last year.
    3 points
  9. ...i'm guessing we're on the same side of most arguments...I'd argue that Karen should be required to test as proficient in her firearm...but that's some serious hair splitting if it gets to that point. Concur concerning Kinzinger. He's doing literally whatever he can to get paid. I can't argue with getting paid, but that bitch has sold every moral he ever claimed to get paid. 'He/That/She/It/Bag might as well be a facebook influencer.
    3 points
  10. You would understand conservatives better, and why they seem to support indefensible people, if you would consider more that it is about fairness than the actual positions. Conservatives have now watched liberals jump all over the first instance of conservative rioting in modern American history, after openly cheering the wide scale destruction of several American cities, to include many federal institutions, during rioting that falsely portrayed America as racist. This is after liberals spent years defending Hillary Clinton, but suddenly could not abide the idea of a president enriching their family. Cute. Or maybe the hilarity of going after Donald Trump for having classified documents in his basement (remember that scandal that went nowhere?), again after down playing Hillary's bathroom email server. I remember when Jeb Bush's daughter was in the news for drug abuse, but don't you dare talk about Hunter Biden and his drug fueled, underage prostitute, illegal firearms, international money laundering schemes. He's not the president! Conservatives are somehow silently condoning the rare-but-highly-covered school shootings by supporting the constitutional right to bear arms, yet if you bring up that thousands of black teens and young men are killed every year in gang violence, mostly in liberal strongholds, somehow that's... racist? Black lives matter indeed. Or perhaps it was Alexandria Ocasio Cortez at the border in her white dress decrying the evil Republicans for... Barack Obama's chain link Mexican children cages. But when the border crisis explodes under their watch, you're just being xenophobic. And when Trump era immigration policies are reinstated, no no, it's different this time, this is a Democratic triumph. See, we defend the border! https://youtu.be/meiU6TxysCg People, like most other animals, will do irrational things when they feel they are being treated unfairly. It is the bedrock of our system, the entire basis for our founding, and inconveniently, detestable to most politicians and activists. At some point in my lifetime, Democrats (politicians, activists, and academics, not liberal voters) decided they would be explicit in their willingness to abandon fairness in pursuit of their societal goals. What we are seeing is the predictable response.
    3 points
  11. sent a note to the Wing Exec. we shall see
    2 points
  12. im west coast. im scared to ask boys....but for the boys. I'll do it
    2 points
  13. Dang I already left. I have to wait the night. But glad it’s out!! Good luck to everyone! We should post stats once we hear word.
    2 points
  14. They waited until the CCs left for the day to post it LMAO. I know Im gonna chase down my CC first thing tomorrow! Good luck everyone!!
    2 points
  15. I was just talking to some new guys at the squadron that PCSd to their duty station first and went TDY to all the trainings. When I went through the pipeline, I PCSd to Randolph first and everything else was a TDY until I PCSd to my duty station. Big Air Force goes back and forth with this so its really hard to tell. The new guys said “rumors are that everyone going through the pipeline now is PCSing first to Randolph”, but that can change by the time you go through it!
    2 points
  16. The VA found this comment not to be service connected.
    2 points
  17. I sent our exec the picture of it saying it is released to commanders and she said they will check it first thing in the morning. We will see. I will inform the group wither way. I only applied for RPA though so not sure how much that will help anyone. Good luck everyone!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. It’s your senior rater so more than likely a wg/cc
    1 point
  20. It’s on the af portal page that we got the Dec 20 update. My commander can’t find the secure thing! or I wasn’t accepted so he doesn’t have the option… 😢
    1 point
  21. How do you know? You won't see it secure. Only mpfs and commanders can see it Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. This is 100% me the last 48 hrs [emoji43]‍[emoji94] Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. AFPC is on central time my brother we got an extra hour of hope
    1 point
  24. I assume everything is happening east coast time. That means it’s 1545 we have 1 hour and 15 minutes before I give up hope on today being the day.
    1 point
  25. All URT people will PCS to Randolph for the time being. You’ll get a “drop night” it’s probably gunna look like this 99% MQ-9s 30%creech 30%canon 30%somewhere else You’ll TDY to your training assignments and yes they bringing back IFT for the time being: after seeing how all around poorly everyone who didn’t have any background in flying and who didn’t go did/are doing I’d reckon you’d get it if you applied. Although our manning number are looking better, RPAs are still mostly inexperienced Lts. The glut is pretty substantial. On top of that they don’t really have a vision for what to do with RPAs in the next 10 years let alone 18xers. good luck.
    1 point
  26. I cannot speak about the training, that does sound fairly unpredictable. As for the RPA only package, I know two others besides yourself that did the same just due to medical/age, and what not
    1 point
  27. Here’s the overarching point you keep missing: the people in power who claim to care about the national debt….don’t. It’s simply a talking point that they know their base likes to hear, so they repeat it over and over, knowing full well that they will do nothing meaningful to address the issue. So when they argue that debt is a reason to withhold aid to Ukraine, I’m sorry but they’re absolutely full of shit.
    1 point
  28. Welcome to the party pal!!! Holding my breath on that raid.........
    1 point
  29. We’re no longer definitively better, we’re moderately better if you’re going by capability. Thinking otherwise is some serious complacency or ignoring intel/open source. Our spending, while large, gets us less due to the waste in bureaucracy.
    1 point
  30. So your contribution to this is to make a comment regarding autocorrect and me not typing with my glasses on…. What an informed and helpful position. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. There is absolutely something to be said for this line of reasoning. And we would be fools to ignore the past 30ish years of military failure, while this overwhelming military success stairs us in the face. We spend a lot of money having the world's most advanced fighting force as a deterrent, but the world is not going to forget what happened to Russia soon, so perhaps the threat of American funding and support could be a deterrent, for at least the few decades that people remember what happened in Ukraine. However, we would have to fight the urge to maintain a larger force with lesser training. Our expertise is a very marketable form of aid. I don't know if it's possible. Politically, but if we could cut the force by 50%, but make sure that the remaining 50% were absolutely at the top of their game and capable of being instructors should a draft one day be necessary, well, it's certainly an interesting possibility.
    1 point
  32. Bullshit. I’ll just leave this pie chart here. Until we decide to tackle Medicare and Social Security (and we should), any other discussion about debt is pedantic. It’s like blaming Joe Blow’s debt problem on the sensible shoes he just bought & ignoring the $2k payment on the $70k truck he can’t afford.
    1 point
  33. And what effect, exactly, would cutting funding to Ukraine have on that clock? How ‘bout cutting half the current DOD budget? Or all of it? The vast majority of our debt problem stems from Social Security & Medicare, neither of which are going anywhere anytime soon. Cutting aid to Ukraine in the name of stemming debt is laughable.
    1 point
  34. https://sofrep.com/news/aerial-warfare-russian-pilots-downs-5-ukrainian-su-27s-and-mig-29s/ Can't find anything to back up Russia's claims. But if they are really using SU-57's in combat and MiG-31's at huge standoff ranges than it isn't beyond realistic to see the air war be a bit skewed in Russia's favor if Ukraine is trying to fly more.
    1 point
  35. I also love when idiots use “well regulated” in an argument for gun control not understanding the etymology of the phrase in its meaning. “In good order and supply” is hardly what they think it is and they are shocked to discover that by that requirement we should literally be buying people guns and ammo in order to effect that government sponsored training. When the due hards continue to argue “that’s not what regulated means!” I have to remind them I’ve been in several different Army Brigades where the logistics/quartermaster elements of the Brigade Support Battalion were named “regulators,” for that very literal translation of the word. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Agree with the first two replies to this. I’m on the older end as well and was recently hired by a guard fighter unit. What I’ll add is to check out the AFMAN 36-2100. It very clearly explains the age limit and the ETP process. Getting gouge from unit hiring sites is good but going to the source can provide more clarity. Understanding the policy and the reference that the policy is found in does two things, first it helps you speak intelligently in an interview to how your age can be an asset and it also shows units that you’ve done your homework and are willing to put in the work to help the unit with the ETP to the max extent you can.
    1 point
  37. Many events far worse than Sandy Hook have happened in America for hundreds of years with firearms involved, at the hands of the US govt and military. Ooof, history is a real inconvenient thing for the anti-2A crowd. The problem is that crowd is generally very ignorant of history, emotional instead of logical, and for some reason has a completely baseless, yet steadfast, trust in the govt (see first problem listed). Completely agree, with the exception of your “many abuse” statement. No, I don’t believe many do, just the occasional dumbasses you remember more. Kind of like how your “average drive” in golf is 290 yds, but really it’s probably about 69; you’re just selectively remembering the ones that “stand out” and that’s what your perception is built upon subconsciously. Same comment as above. I know you can point to stories of jackasses with firearms, but it’s incredibly insignificant numbers. Less than 500 people die per year in the US due to accidental gun events. That number means nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially when we’re talking about constitutionally protected rights.
    1 point
  38. Zeihan is one of the smartest and most objective analysts out there today. His books are great reads, and his lectures and newsletters are really insightful.
    1 point
  39. That's cool. I'm not fixing or editing anything, but thanks for the threat. You gunna jump through the internet and choke me if I don't censer my words? Here I though helo guys had thick skin... Glad to know you were there in the 1700s, that must have been cool. By the way, they routinely drilled with their weapons, fully understood the concept of military hierarchy, came to duty when called, and were infinitely more disciplined (when needed) than we are today. They were also basically farmers with pitchforks...and cannons...yes, CANNONS. Imagine Jim-bob in Kansas having a fully operational 155 howitzer hanging out in his barn. Historically, that's actually a pretty close technological equivalent. What's more, they built many of their own weapons and their own ammunition. They also drank. A LOT. Don't go cherry picking comparisons. Full context is key. I feel confident in my assumption that the authors used "well regulated" intentionally because it could grown, expand, or contract as required with time and social requirement as needed. They understood that having some constantly drunk dude rolling up with his arsenal was not helpful to the fight. Discipline then, as it is now, was highly important. No doubt, they had their well armed "a Florida man" who did what he wanted, and the framers intentionally didn't want to empower that asshat. My point is not that the government or some other central agency should regulate our militia capable citizens. Rather, that our citizens should adhere to a high standard if they intend to own weapons. Modern day suburban Karen, who owns a baby Kimber .45 that she carries with one in the chamber at the bottom of her purse while she never practices, maintains, or even fires it, and still shouts about her second amendment rights, is being violently arrogant. A right is a responsibility, not an entitlement. Too many 2nd amendment thumpers forget that there is a first framing portion in that amendment's text, and they tend give responsible gun owners a bad name. We the people are supposed to be disciplined, regulated, responsible, and good stewards of the rights and freedoms purchased with blood that we didn't have to spill. Cherry picking rights and omitting framing text in the guidance passed by our forefathers is rather childish. If you're going to pick up a weapon and claim it as an American Right...which it is...you must pick up the responsibility that goes along with it. A 'well regulated militia" implies going way beyond defending my personally property, and asserts that that I am willing to subordinate myself and my armed capacity into a military structure for the purpose of defending my state or country. Sadly, that's taking critical thinking and analysis of our constitution WAY farther than most drunk airline pilots are willing to intellectually go. More unfortunately, educating people into being responsible is damn near impossible, but I'll keep trying. Out of curiosity, how would you have me edit my statement? All I did was quote the a constitutional amendment. What triggered you? So we're clear, here's the full text of the second amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." For the millennials: TLDR - If you own a gun, you're supposed to be responsible and proficient with it. It's not just for defending yourself or your own interests, it's for defeating tyranny and defending your country if so needed. Many abuse that right and it pisses me off. Governments should be afraid of, and work for, their people, not the other way around.
    1 point
  40. The idea doesn't work because the same defense we purchase can act as a fleet in being to defend South Korea, Taiwan, Europe, Israel, and a bunch of other places all at once. Whereas if we subsidize Poland the Chinese can be reasonably certain the Poles won't be coming to Taiwan's aid. So you'd need to duplicate the spending a bunch of times around the world.
    1 point
  41. It seems as though your sarcasm has escaped (me).
    1 point
  42. 100%. No matter how much we've given Ukraine, it's a fraction of our annual DoD budget. We are witnessing the wholesale destruction of a near-peer's military capability with zero US lives spent. It would be a bargain at twice the price.
    1 point
  43. Yeah, definitely whiskey involved. TLDR: SEAD/DEAD in the future is going to look a lot different than it did in the past.
    1 point
  44. Someone please explain to me how it could possibly be in the best interest of the United States to not give Ukraine really significant military assistance. They are killing Russians and blowing up their stuff. Russia is one of our two near-peer adversaries. The one that is run by a crazy man. What’s the point of being in NATO if just fold our arms and say ‘not our problem, we need the money for dish washer rebates and drag queen shows’. Yes, I know that Ukraine isn’t a member, but all their neighbors are. What will we do if we see Putin dancing down main street Kyiv while the FSB is going door to door kidnapping kids and sending Mom and Dad to Siberia? And why are Republicans suddenly whining about defense spending? Are we now in bizzaro world?
    1 point
  45. 45,000 dumbasses. Anyone who buys a fckng computer image is a borderline retard. He reminds me of a snake oil salesman in that video. The last two presidents have been ridiculous. Freaking clown show. Trump did some good things but he's a douche. I'm still trying to figure out what Biden is doing (so is Biden)? He should be in a nursing home. Let's get someone better to lead our country. I wouldn't let Trump or Biden run the snackbar. We need real leaders.
    1 point
  46. During an FAA physical the doc told me something funny/true. "The Air Force only wants you to last 20 years, we want you to last longer than that."
    1 point
  47. Last time I ran from a burning jet I ran away at a medium pace for 1.5 miles straight off base. Then I did 80 pushups to impress the locals.
    1 point
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