Apparently, the U-2 disinformation campaign at the UPT bases is alive and well.
To cut to the chase:
- The U-2 Program is hiring. There are no plans to not hire. If anyone tells you otherwise, irrespective of their rank, they are not telling you the truth.
- The U-2 Program is accepting FAIP's. We have accepted FAIPS for at least 35 years, and there are no plans to stop hiring FAIPs. If anyone tells you otherwise, irrespective of their rank, they are not telling you the truth.
- We now have some wiggle room on minimum hours. So if that is a concern, call us. We might be able to waive some of your hours.
I don't know if this bad info emanates from the staff... or from UPT SQ/CC's (like it did a number of years ago)... or from exactly where.
If you want the truth about the U-2 assignment, don't speak to your DO, nor your commander. Don't speak to AFPC (until it's time to get released, anyways). Don't speak to your buddy at Base X that "thought about applying, but found out a bunch of bad stuff."
So who do you speak to? I'll get you in touch with the Recruiters, so contact me. One recruiter is a Reservist and I don't want to put his personal contact info in this post (he isn't on his govt email that much). Maj Beamer moved and a new active duty recruiter is settling in. Contact me privately for their contact info. As for me, I'm on the Global as Jonathan Huggins. Or you can pm me here. I'm out on leave for a few weeks and won't be checking email until mid July, so ping me here if it is time critical.
If you want U-2 facts, go to the source. That source is centered in a room that measures about 40x15 in the zip code of 95903. If the person you're talking to doesn't have a desk within 22 meters of that room, take what they say with a grain of salt.