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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2023 in all areas

  1. Regarding the "life in general" bucket, I'm going to assume you're a heterosexual single male. If those descriptors don't apply, then feel free to ignore. Be cautious about the woman you decide to attach yourself to. For sure, a lot of the common bar room wisdom is "never get married, stay single forever." But for most of us out there, you eventually find yourself wanting to put a ring on a woman's finger, for one reason or another. Be advised, women have changed in the last ~25 years or so. I feel like anyone in their mid-40s or older today has had a front row seat to it happening. The last couple of decades has seen an incredible rise in the number of women whose entire identity revolves around the following: Anything they succeed at in life is due to them overcoming the Powers of the Patriarchy. Anything they fail at in life is due to the interference of the Powers of the Patriarchy. It's frustrating and soul-sucking to be attached to these kinds of women. Whatever you do, don't put a ring on one of them.
    4 points
  2. One of the best days of my life would be if SCOTUS shut down the NFA - one of the single dumbest (and unconstitutional) pieces of legislation ever made.
    3 points
  3. And all this time I was spelling it Tally Hoe 🤷‍♂️
    2 points
  4. One of the worrying things about this, aside from the obvious, is that we may be looking at a real estate crash on par with 2008. The developers have mortgages on these properties that they pay by leasing them out. Now they don't have tenants, and refinancing will be much more expensive with the interest rate hikes. At some point they stop paying the multi- million dollar mortgages and the banks start eating those losses in a big way.
    2 points
  5. Obviously the turbo.
    2 points
  6. This is way worse than 2008. We are living through the decline of western civilization. Haters, read some history. If it happened to Egypt, Rome, the British Empire and etc…it will happen here. Enjoy the good times while you can. Shit is going to get real. I’ve never seen SF look like that. Ever. Also, I ride my bike along coyote creek on the OC LA border daily. I live about 1/4 mile from said creek. Now you know where to drop that JDAM (come get some Sadam) The homeless are growing in numbers in the creek. The state just moves them around, never really addressing the root problem. There is trash being thrown into our rivers, that flow into the ocean and nobody does shit about it. Wait until the homeless start organizing and carrying guns. The state of CA has lost control. My wife thinks I’m a ducking lunatic for pointing this out. The people here act like if we ignore it, it will just go away. This is way worse man. Way worse. At least my homes keep going up in value lol.
    1 point
  7. If you can end the conversation with a strongly voiced “at this time”…absolute perfection.
    1 point
  8. I prefer to answer with callsign, then continue my conversation because I have them on TCAS, they're level, 1k above us, and clearly not a factor.
    1 point
  9. California takes, two "wrongs" don't equal a right, to the extreme. In my area, the news story would be, happy ending after thug arrested after getting what he had coming. In the area my family comes from, the story would read (bottom of the back page of the newspaper), would-be robber dead.
    1 point
  10. Sad to see, but they really brought this on themselves. However, lots of people keep expecting that to happen, and it's always "just around the corner." Personally, hoping for some kind of big pull back in the real estate market, so I can snatch up some more rentals.
    1 point
  11. Agreed. Just another example of ruining something great. FCS and the smaller conferences will still be reminiscent of the good ol days, I hope.
    1 point
  12. I have the utmost faith in the bros and broettes next to me that are putting iron in the air and hacking the mish. I have extremely little faith in often extremely disconnected senior leaders and in our political officials. The later more often than not affects the former in getting anything meaningful done.
    1 point
  13. And here lies the problem
    1 point
  14. I was in a briefing with a bunch of 3 stars and a 4 star. Our team briefed some COAs and a 3 star asked the briefer why some majors and Lt Cols think they get a say when the proposed COA was presented. As the briefer was trying to find words the 4 star said I’m going with their suggested COA. Briefing concluded.
    1 point
  15. There I was, standing on the flightline, getting ready to step to the turbofan.
    1 point
  16. By your logic nuclear submarines and M1 Abrams tanks are "jets". Turbine-powered does not equal jet.
    1 point
  17. One of the most important duties POTUS has is being the Commander in Chief, sending American troops into combat has to be a very difficult burden to bear. How you handle the aftermath of those tough decisions says a lot about your character. This video shares a disturbing example of how the current clown in chief handles that responsibility.
    1 point
  18. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
    1 point
  19. I don't have any personal advice for that. I just got hired in a completely different environment than today. Currently, we (and most squadrons, from what I gather) are really heavy on new pilots and have drastically pulled back hiring from what was happening Reserves/Guard-wide when I was going through in 2018. Unfortunately, you're just in a tough part of the wave and, even more so, I'd bet lots of squadrons are hiring closer to the vest and going with internally recommended/known folks and non-advertised hiring boards. That said, the resume is one thing to getting hired, but the hustle is an even bigger piece. It may take you pushing further with reaching out to squadrons than just listening to their "we aren't doing rushes." With your access to Global, you can do more digging than the average bear and have a leg up to reach out to folks in squadrons through research. Also, as @JimNtexas said, looking outside of fighters is also probably a good idea, depending on whether your view is "any military flying" or "I'm only going to fly Fs." That's only something you can decide, but I'd recommend doing some research, soul searching, and looking into what your career choices are after UPT pipeline.
    1 point
  20. None of what you said is wrong but I lean more toward "treat people like adults until they give you a reason not to." Periodic inspections are onerous and a waste of time unless you're specifically having dress and appearance issues in the unit. If dudes are coming in with dirty, torn up flight suits, unshaven, and with hair out of regs, then maybe it's time for a blues day. But only for those specific individuals and only for as long as it takes to fix the problem. The uniform is a tool to teach attention to detail, unit cohesion, and pride in your appearance. Much like other silly things you get reamed for in boot camp, its importance wanes massively once you get real responsibilities. Years of training later into the fast jet business, dress and appearance should be a given. Not something you need to periodically spot check. If you trust people to fly multi million dollar supersonic aircraft, you should trust that their uniforms are in order.. unless they specifically give you a reason to think otherwise.
    1 point
  21. This is a necessary money move. Retirees can deal with it instead of acting like spoiled brats.
    -1 points
  22. And what powers the prop...?
    -1 points
  23. We are dumping everything feasible to the side to modernize our fleet. Trimming “anywhere and everywhere” is the mantra here at the PP. Retirees overseas know the drill. Their choice to live where they live. We need to trim the fat faster. Certainly would be easier if we had term limits and we could close excess bases here in the States, but Congress won’t allow it. So we trim the fat.
    -1 points
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