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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2023 in all areas

  1. Naive. Eventually one must pay the piper/bondholders. Perhaps you mean modern monetary theory is "free" until critical mass of debt-load is achieved? ...in the end, like the pied piper poem, the children will suffer. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45818/the-pied-piper-of-hamelin
    5 points
  2. Congress: Best I can do is 25 and a couple slicks for pilot pro 😆
    4 points
  3. Thats FUBAR. I'm not sure how/why you're getting off on seeing dead soldiers, much less soldiers from a country we aren't at war with. Putin sucks and Russia has no business in Ukraine, but I'm not happily celebrating that any of them are dying.
    2 points
  4. Early-to-mid 2000's CAFB had some classic patches!
    1 point
  5. If you have blood lust/celebrate killing, you either haven’t done it, or you have and you’re a psychopath. Doing what must be done is most effective when you don’t do it/take it too far for emotional reasons.
    1 point
  6. Agreed. ISIS & AQ were deeply depraved and it bothered me not all to collect scalps. But jerking off to pictures of dead Russian conscripts (If that’s even what we’re looking at)? Count me out bro.
    1 point
  7. These last 3.5 weeks are dreadful. Do anything you can to occupy your minds gentlemen! Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. It's tough to look at this bullshit anymore because it's truly either guys forced (conscripts, criminals) to fight in a war that they have no part in creating or stopping. Truly incompetent leadership with no sense of military tactics or strategy, just send some dudes forward to hold some trench with no food, ammo, or support. The comm intercepts are insane. The armor losses are insane.
    1 point
  9. Sheesh -- I used to look at this discussion to see all the cool footage of Russians getting blasted. Now it's just a whining, political buzz kill. Why don't you tools take the boring crap offline already. Here's a photo of dead Russians to help get this thread back on track.
    1 point
  10. Wait, I got it! Rated retention! If we don't have so many staffs, we don't have to man them, and all those non-command track O-4 and O-5 IPs can go back to flying the line!!
    1 point
  11. I remember most of those. My class was 03-14. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  12. A few from my stint at CBM
    1 point
  13. There are 212 pages on this website. It starts by base, then by Wing & Squadron and then classes as far back as the 60's. Each page has great info and there are over 12,000 patches posted Jim Flaviani www.usafupt.com
    1 point
  14. What isn’t addressed in that article but I’m convinced is really happening is that other entities with SOCOM didn’t do their due diligence when initial requirements went out, didn’t like the requirements that were set (bell had already been rung), went to the hill and all their fanboys in congress to get their way, and here we are. This program is not a U-28 replacement and they don’t want to lose that capability and gain what OA-1K offers. BL - SOCOM money avalanche from GWOT is done and now the knives are coming out.
    1 point
  15. "A source familiar with the matter" seems to be the most cited reference by CNN over the past seven years or so. I wouldn't consider it "tin-foil" territory to be a bit skeptical.
    1 point
  16. I feel like the last 11 months went by quick and this last month is dragging on. Good luck!
    1 point
  17. I taught Luke at Rucker when he was a stud. I remember one particular NVG flight with him where it was like CT with your bro. He was a tremendous dude with a phenomenal attitude. He worked hard and was super willing to learn. He finished the program really strong. Luke, we will miss you dude.
    1 point
  18. I always like that one “taxation is theft” guy 5 beers in on TDY…. Like bro… where do you think this Per Diem came from? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. yeah....cause WAR! and killing! YEAH! AMERICA!
    -1 points
  20. And please, guys, there is no collection of coins that elves come by to collect to send to Ukraine. Money is just numbers typed into a computer. You can type lots of numbers into an account on the Fed ledger to buy weapons you make yourself, or goods and services produced abroad. It has zero impact on domestic spending capability.
    -1 points
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