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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2024 in all areas

  1. Piss off Fairfax County!
    6 points
  2. Does “wife bitching” and “it’s Del Rio” count as hardship?
    6 points
  3. GLhg6RmIZ5GlVS0BAI4FSNYy-PsobmdjAAAF.mp4
    5 points
  4. Wonderful job by Biden trying to take Easter away from all the Christians and rebrand it Transgender Awareness Day of Visibility. It is a free country, dress how you want, date who you want, be what you want but to purposely hijack a religious holiday with great meaning to many Christians is a direct assault on people of faith by demented Left Wing extremists. As if to pour a little salt in the wound, the White House has banned Religious-themed designs from the White House Easter egg art contest tomorrow. Trump selling bibles is stupid, the liberal hate of faith is sickening.
    4 points
  5. Wait a minute, that’s something a commie would say…he’s a commie witch, burn him!
    3 points
  6. Oh great…another shitty IPA courtesy of these folks. They can have their “craft” beer.
    3 points
  7. But you’re not thinking how his inner circle thinks. Look at the border situation…they’ve doubled down on it.
    2 points
  8. Raters for the VA aren’t medical providers. My friend is one and he’s an ANG -135 pilot.
    2 points
  9. Imagine if they had chosen a Muslim holiday for Transgender Awareness Day
    2 points
  10. Add to that neck pain and visual acuity loss from hours of NVG time......
    2 points
  11. Concur I’m actually an optimist but I kinda see the past few years of this as a crossing of the Rubicon moment(s) for the Republic Unless the Administrative State is shrunk, decentralized and throughly flushed I’m not sure we can go forward as a democratic republic of unified sovereign states Doesn’t make it right, just proves people in power like to use whatever means at their disposal to oppress their enemies, fellow citizens and others Therefore you have to / should constantly right size their power Nothing that curtails basic freedom or acts in some ways against the aspiration of the constitution should be allowed a guarantee continuous existence. Every power beyond the basics should be sunsetted or explicitly renewed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  12. One of the most holy days of the Christian religion and this admin does this. Isn’t Biden supposed to be a “devout” Catholic? These guys are doing their damnedest to ruin this country. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    2 points
  13. no this is how the biden administration runs. they sold themselves as the "adults" in the room. ran on a moderate ticket. but it's turned out to be a very radical left administration.
    1 point
  14. I hope not! Watching this is my Easter tradition!
    1 point
  15. Possible but requires waiver. Default is you get BAH where your orders state. Gotta show hardship (family school, etc)
    1 point
  16. At our outfit it reads more like this: A High Minimums Captain has less than 100 hours PIC in aircraft type. The 100 hours PIC is not Company specific, but the 100 hours in type cannot include OE/ILC time. PIC time personally logged under 61.51 as a type-rated FO acting as PIC on augmented segments shall not be credited toward this 100 hour requirement. (Only because us FOs are type rated as Capts) We also sign in when Boss is sleeping - to get into more trouble/emphasize Capt isn’t sole owner of responsibility. I always knew this, but it does help to put more reality to those who are lackadaisical up front… You can also reduce the 100hr requirement for every landing by one hour not to exceed 50. A few weather related approach requirements such as adding 100ft to the MDA or DA to include 1/2 mile vis (2400ft). That’s why I when I fly with a high mins Capt they are doing every takeoff and landing… *It helps us not to pair a newbie or those on “watch” with high mins Capts which makes sense as first timers having had no PIC time at all…
    1 point
  17. Wasn't advocating for fraud...I guess I just figured we all had it. Happy that you don't, it fucking sucks.
    1 point
  18. Sure, Joe Biden the 80+ geriatric is a giant transgender supporter 🙂 They are just pandering to a non-existent base.
    1 point
  19. I think everyone in this WH may be Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  20. Eh…you’re flying too close to the sun here man. I have thus far not claimed this condition because I do not, in fact, have ringing in my ears. Without appropriate symptoms, a service member should not claim to suffer from a condition that would warrant a disability rating, full stop.
    1 point
  21. I think the Easter Bunny might be gay?
    1 point
  22. Does this count as a threesome?
    1 point
  23. Beer in the PNW is better and I grew up in the Front Range area. Avery Brewery in Boulder is pretty great though.
    1 point
  24. Just enjoy the craft beer, it’s one thing the hippies have on the rest of the country, just one.
    1 point
  25. I remember doing BFM with my feet flat on the floor in the C model B course and needed to move the nose an RCH to the right but couldn’t lift my feet off the floor. So close yet so far away. RC - Weak Calves.
    1 point
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