Not a fan of Trump, but there is no way you can convince me the last four years under Biden were better!
Had Trump won, our economy would most likely be doing better, our foreign and domestic policies been more focused on important things than wokeness and transgender recognition, and honestly I believe most Americans would have a lot more pride in this country!
The fact that Biden even won (if he even did!) and pretty much every action he has taken over the past four years has been a major embarrassment to the US.
This has got to be the largest amount of horseshit claims I've ever seen in my life, and I did 25 years in the USAF!
The Biden-Harris Record | The White House
Does the White House really think everyone is so stupid to believe all that?!?
Again, I would prefer a different candidate to vote for, one more along the lines of Reagan in the 80s; but once again we are stuck between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.
I for one would rather endure the Giant Douche then to spend another four years having a Turd Sandwich shoved down our throats!