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  1. a good life rule of thumb: if a mob is chanting something it's probably retarded.
    4 points
  2. Damn, I gotta be quicker
    2 points
  3. This reinforces what I said earlier: gearhog has a point. Also it’s a bit astounding, even for a longtime mostly lurker/occasional poster who has read dozens of their posts, how unimpressively nsplayr and Lawman come off in this discussion.
    2 points
  4. But did you die? So anytime anyone mentions the flooding of the military industrial complex with cash, it's Russian Psyop to gain a battlefield advantage? Is this a new subject for you? Pretty sure the issue of war-profiteering has been around a lot longer than you have. These guys didn't invent that narrative. With that logic, you can link any dissent or criticism of US involvement in any conflict to enemy propaganda. You're only interested in stifling dissent. Are you telling me there are no critical narratives that can be had? If the truth hurts, maybe you have the problem. If it isn't the truth, show me. The military industrial complex last year (officially) spent around $12 million lobbying key pro-Ukraine war members of Congress and just received a $50 Billion windfall, in addition to the previous windfalls. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus?ind=D There are no concerns there? You have to realize telling everyone "Don't look over there! Nothing to see here!" while implying anyone having a critical position is a Russian shill isn't giving you credibility. You're only shouting down the person, while not disputing the claims. You're only interested in one side of the argument. I want to hear all sides and draw my own conclusions. You don't want anyone doing that. It's becoming apparent that if you had your way, you'd ensure compliance with the Party rules and eliminate any unauthorized information while monitoring citizens for signs of dissent, and perhaps punish anyone who engages in thought crime or holds a belief contrary to the Party ideology. There's a term for that, but I can't remember it. Any ideas?
    1 point
  5. Hahahahah. I just pissed myself. Break, Break. In all seriousness, I can see why people have gross differences between what they beleive our government is up to. To trust our government would mean I learned nothing during my lifetime. I dont believe our federal government is acting in the best interest for people like me (100% Irish American, upper middle class (in CA) and a combat veteran) They seem to be doing the excact opposite. The war with Russia, woke ideals, blatant racism towards certain groups (Jews and whites). The funny thing is an Irish Catholic has little in common with Italians, Germans, Polish and whatever other whites that live here. I never ate pasta at home. The government is using Ukraine to make money. Prove me wrong. Just like all of the other wars since Nam. While I don't support Russia (except for the hot chicks there) we invaded Iraq for lies as well. Just like Russia did to Ukraine. We shouldn't be allowed to just forget about OIF. We were in the wrong as well. America has ruined its reputation as an ethical state on the world stage. We are as corrupt as we've ever been. How many congressmen are millionaires? I don't like anyone in Washington DC that moved there because they won an election. They're full of shit. That being said, Russia is worse than the U.S. in the ethics department. We shouldn't spend all of our energy hating on each other, we need to direct that towards getting rid of all our corrupt politicians. That's the real threat to this country, not Russia. Russia sucks
    1 point
  6. Good morning. Well, here we are. My apologies, for I'm about to put you in grave danger, but it's a risk I'm willing to take in pursuit of the truth. I have a full cup of Black Rifle Coffee, Spirit of '76 roast. It's very good. The packaging is awesome, even inspiring. Let's kick this pig. The hosts are starting with the front lines. They report that Russia had broken through the Ukrainian front lines in and captured the town of Avdiivka. Did this really happen or is this false information? Fact check: True. The Russians are (were) advancing on a town called Ocheretyne, which is a small town, but lies on a hill and has a railway junction, making it strategically important. One commenter is saying this breakthough puts Russia in a strong position. He quotes a Ukrainian General that the situations at other places on the front lines are terrible. Apparently Russia is planning a large offensive, possibly to capture Kharkiv. One of the Commenters mentioned former British Colonel Hamish De-Bretton Gordon who wrote this article for the Telegraph detailing how dire the situation is. He goes on to say that the media is full of these types of articles. Now they're talking about the $61 Billion in aid. Some of the funds are for the Ukrainian economy itself, not for the war. The bulk of the money is going to the military industrial complex. He is claiming that only a small portion of the funds are going directly to Ukraine in the form of weapons, and the rest is going to defense contractors to replenish our own stockpiles. Now this is where some propaganda might be creeping in. I should check on this. So he actually underestimated the amount that is being given to the U.S. defense industrial base. He is claiming that the amount being given directly to Ukraine will be used up at once, but the time it would take to DIB to complete the manufacturing process would take years. Debatable, but possible. They discuss the gap between the rate of weapons being used and the rate of weapons being replenished while quoting JD Vance "You can't provide more weapons than you have." He quotes CIA director Williams Burns who said if Ukraine isn't given support it will collapse by the end of the year. Checks out. Their contention is that all of this is about preventing a Ukrainian collapse before the election. That's definitely a biased take, but is it possible? They ask why Mike Johnson capitulated. They assert that key Republican committee chairs have been pressuring him on behalf of the military industrial complex and he ultimately conceded to their demands. He knew that same pressure was being exerted on House Republicans who would be forced to side with the Democrats and vote against him, which would likely pressure him to resign, so he acted out of self-preservation. They again say that committee chairs are close to the defense manufacturers and that the want this appropriations bill passed. They also claim that this part of the Republican party and the MIC would rather see Biden than Trump elected. Hmmm. They say the MIC always wins. They say Mike Johnson's political career is toast for passing this bill while completely giving up on the southern border aspect. They go into what actual systems Ukraine will be getting. They were asking for 150-200 patriot systems and are only going to get a fraction. They make a biased assertion that Russia will simply knock them out with hypersonics and they'll be back to square one. The say this aid bill will slow the war down, produce and effect, the effect wears out, and then you need more. They quote President Kennedy about sending aid to Vietnam: "It's like drinking a glass of water. For a short time you fee better, but then you need another." I can't find this quote. Might be BS. They continue to reiterate that a Ukrainian collapse must be avoided by the election. Anything that happens beyond that is not a concern. And that's it. How are feeling, @Lawman? Was it as bad as you thought it was going to be? I think you're going to be fine. It wasn't a great podcast. Nothing earth-shattering. I did learn a couple things about the front lines and got a new perspective on Mike Johnson's capitulation. There was clearly heavy bias throughout the podcast, but nothing that indicates Russian disinformation. It was simply an innocuous discussion. Some of it agreeable, some of it disagreeable. Take some time to process your trauma, and if you want to comment on the specifics here or point out the false information I somehow missed, I'd be more than happy to listen. Have a good day.
    1 point
  7. Unfortunately any parent that is ok with their kid going to drag queen story hour is probably ok with them chanting this nonsense.
    1 point
  8. cool. we shouldn't fund ukraine. i love how you blindly trust a government that for 20 years said afghanistan was "turning the corner" to victory. that the afghan army was capable of defending the government. sorry, but after covid and the afghan debacle we have every right to be skeptical of the mass media narrative. the duran podcast is not russian propaganda, they just state the facts on the ground...something the western media is unwilling to do. i think many posters on here can listen to it and decide for themselves.
    1 point
  9. Easy. You're going to get him all Torqued up...
    1 point
  10. -You were given multiple examples of the direct connections to state controlled Russian news -You were given specific guests they have on and their dubious character issues -You were shown a clear example of the host of the podcast defending a Russian falsehood that it didn’t shoot down MH17 and every insinuation is just a western lie (which he’s done for years) No you can go listen to it you’ll just be an idiot for taking it seriously. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. What propaganda have I defended? The single solitary example of foreign propaganda that you've brought to this discussion was from 10 years ago, MH17, has nothing to do with our involvement in Ukraine, and I didn't defend it. I have never listened to the Duran and I know I've said as much. However, I will tomorrow morning over coffee just to see what you're whining about and I'll summarize if for you. I want to see how scary this information is. I'm going to post the notes here and then I'll check back for your response. That's going to be the entertaining part. Are you going to have a meltdown? Are you going act all indignant and dick dance around the issues without ever addressing them? Are you going to provide a rational, well-thought and honest rebuttle (Pffftt...LOL), or are you going to draw yet another weird analogy to eating shit and drinking piss? Three is a trend, isn't it? I guess we'll see.
    1 point
  12. You know you can be critical of your government without seeking out and deliberately defending a foreign opponents propaganda right? You don’t have to go full tit on backwards crazy and deny it’s propaganda demanding people show you examples of how some source you’ve been listening too is actually bullshit only to then claim that those examples don’t count or deny any proof of connection to that foreign power. Also wrestling is fake. I know you’re gonna need to watch it to make sure, but maybe just try trusting 2nd hand info on this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. In a spot of good news, the new aid bill for Ukraine (amongst others) was signed; hopefully they get the new weapons/supplies rolling forward quickly. Biden signs $95 billion aid package with assistance for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan. Calls for TikTok ban or sale | AP News
    1 point
  14. That is how I feel about it. This forum could probably be a 20+ year record of my constantly shifting beliefs. What I posted back in 2002 with regard to how I felt about my career, US foreign policy, conflict was definitely much different than it is now. I've become less pragmatic and more of an idealist. I have a lot of scribbled notes on my desk, but one reads Wisdom and Knowledge, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance, Transcendence. The six character traits of strength and virtue. I believe I suck at all of those things compared to where I think I should be. There are a lot of people I admire that exemplify those traits, but some of them actually worked and debated for years, often bitterly, to create a framework for an entire nation based on those traits. Maybe seeing it dismantled is what raises my ire. Maybe I have a disdain for people who are willfully ignorant that we in the US don't get to stay awesome without addressing the greater threats to our way of life. Russia hasn't tried to abridge my freedom of speech by working with media outlets to push one narrative while censoring others. Russia hasn't shown up to American's homes to inquire about their social media posts. Russia hasn't lately tried to curtail my right to bear arms. Russia doesn't have a legal policy allowing for warrantless searches and monitoring of American citizens. Russia didn't try to coerce me into taking a dangerous experimental vaccine. Russia didn't threaten my job if I didn't Russia didn't weaponize the US Justice system. Russia didn't devalue my savings. Russia didn't charge me more than twice the average American income in taxes. Russia didn't send our earnings to foreign governments and defense corporations. Russia didn't indebt my grandchildren with insane spending. Russia isn't simultaneously funding the expansion of multiple large-scale conflicts that threatens to involve people I care about. Russia didn't try to get me to comply with zero-emission climate change goals. Russia didn't intentionally create an immigration crisis. I could go on for days about what Russia didn't do, but I could easily summarize their share of the direct threat being posed to my way of life right now, where I sit: 1%. So hearing someone bitch about an unspecified bit of false information the Russian government may slipped into an obscure podcast could be making me a tad irritable. I should be better. 😄
    1 point
  15. I think that just says more about you and how you approach the conversation. That's not to say that you don't get some fairly absurdist abuse thrown your way, but if you haven't been able to hone and adapt your positions based on the information and data on this forum, then you're on a team. I'll be honest, I respect that you continue to engage, and about 75% of the time you do it in a respectful manner (I consider that a very high percentage for internet conversation. I don't think I meet that standard). But I have found your arguments to be fairly cookie cutter, cheerleader type DNC stuff. Rarely compelling, and I am not even remotely a die-hard conservative. I think a part of that might be that since you are a political minority here, you are usually on the defensive and that makes it very hard to concede any ground to the other side. It's not a unique phenomenon. And yes, I absolutely believe there are people here who fit that description but from the conservative side. Pretty much anyone who defends Donald Trump's character probably falls into that category. You could just be a true believer, but it is rare to find someone on either side who so neatly fits into the political party positions. I only bring this up because I get the sense from gearhog that he is legitimately interested in honing his own beliefs and incorporating as much new data into them as possible. Even though I do not agree with a lot of his conclusions. That's the value I get from this board as well. I get the sense that you believe your positions are already perfected. At least that's how you communicate them. In that case, yeah you are definitely wasting your time.
    1 point
  16. It's definitely a real phenomenon. All I can think is that being constantly angry and offended eventually manifests itself physically.
    1 point
  17. That progressive liberalism can be hard on a woman. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  18. I've been making my way through this page. Fascinating debates by our founding fathers about their concerns when writing the Constitution. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/debcont.asp I found this passage pertaining to John Madison's speech to be particularly relevant today. It's from June 29th. "His great fear was that their Governments would then have too much energy, that these might not only be formidable in the large to the small States, but fatal to the internal liberty of all. The same causes which have rendered the old world the Theatre of incessant wars, & have banished liberty from the face of it, would soon produce the same effects here. The weakness & jealousy of the small States would quickly introduce some regular military force against sudden danger from their powerful neighbours. The example would be followed by others, and would soon become universal. In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of war, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people. It is perhaps questionable, whether the best concerted system of absolute power in Europe could maintain itself, in a situation, where no alarms of external danger could tame the people to the domestic yoke. The insular situation of G. Britain was the principal cause of her being an exception to the general fate of Europe. It has rendered less defence necessary, and admitted a kind of defence which could not be used for the purpose of oppression. -These consequences he conceived ought to be apprehended whether the States should run into a total separation from each other, or shd. enter into partial confederacies. Either event wd. be truly deplorable; & those who might be accessary to either, could never be forgiven by their Country, nor by themselves."
    1 point
  19. Taiwanese U-2 pilot Johnny Shen died last Thursday, age 92 He was a U-2 pilot with The Black Cat Squadron on Taiwan from 1968 to 1973. He was admitted to the CAF Academy in January 1952, then trained in the PT-17 and the T-6. After his graduation in December 1955, he was assigned to the 4th Tactical Fighter Group in Chiayi. He was first sent to Tainan to be trained on the T-33, then returning to Chiayi to fly the F-84 in 1956. Later he converted to the F-100. He left the 35th Sq in 1973 and became the vice military attache in Vietnam. After the loss of Vietnam, he returned to Taiwan to served on several desk jobs. He retired from the CAF as a Colonel in 1977 and joined China Airlines, where he flew the Boeing 707, 727, 767, and 747, and Airbus A-300. He transferred to EVA Airlines in 1992. Then he returned served in Taiwan's Civil Aviation Administration until 1998. After retirement, he emigrated to Canada and lived in Vancouver. These guys flew some really risky missions. Him him...
    1 point
  20. Jaysus... sick douche bag. **break break** I'm grateful to say that I got through my sq/cc tour without a link being posted in this thread about me getting fired. Today was my last day as the CC. It was great and terrible all at the same time & glad it's over/wish it would keep going all at once. Time for a cocktail.
    1 point
  21. Here's to hoping that Moore v US properly rules taxing unrealized gains as unconstitutional. If this door gets opened, Pandora's box would be almost unlimited. Your house value rose 5% last year? That's gains, so you now owe income tax on it on top of the property taxes you already pay. Not entirely unreasonable that the IRS could require declarations of any personal property of value (except classic Corvettes that double as classified storage) so they can assess if it has appreciated, even if that appreciation is just due to government caused inflation.
    0 points
  22. Hold on, let me check JuannaBlowMe.net for the latest “unfiltered truth data” from the battlefield… Or maybe there’s another 4 hour podcast with 3 blurry guys from Cyprus that has some intel I’m not seeing at work? F off man, this is not a debate worth having with you Chang. I hope you can pay for your next set of knee pads in rubles once your current set wears out.
    -1 points
  23. The US gov already does tax unrealized gains with home valuations and property taxes. Is that unconstitutional or unethical? What do you guys propose to do about the ultra wealthy who never cash in equity and take cash loans on their unrealized net worth? It is clearly tax evasion that is harmful to the US gov and not in line with the intent of the tax system. Also, I hope you are being honest brokers in this debate and are aware that the changes only apply to net worths >$100M. It is likely literally never going to directly impact any of you, the middle class, the upper professional class, or anyone in your family. It is aimed at only the ultra wealthy. Not to mention, the proposal makes these taxes prepayments for future gains. If they have future realized gains, they get to deduct previous payments. https://taxfoundation.org/blog/biden-billionaire-tax-unrealized-capital-gains/ Now explain: - How is this bad for the working class (my definition includes everyone from McDonalds to Anesthesiologists making $1M a year). People that have to work to live. - What are the negatives to the economy? You won’t get trickled down on? - What is your solution? If you don’t have a solution, why is the current state better morally or ethically?
    -1 points
  24. Wow you watched the Russian Tucker Carlson and a disgraced lawyer talk about the military industrial complex and can’t figure out the link between that narrative - information domain of warfare - and its translation to effecting actual combat power on the battlefield. Like I know multi-domain warfare is a relatively new doctrine, and you yourself aren’t in the military, but your inability to understand how this works and repeated denial of it going on is astounding. Like you can acknowledge implicit bias present in whatever episode but can’t bridge the gap to understand strategic effect. You’d make an excellent Col. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    -1 points
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