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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2024 in all areas

  1. I notice all the defenders of C19 policies from a few years ago have gone silent. Anyone getting the new boosters? Anyone still think schools should’ve been closed longer & masks on airplanes “saved lives?” Anyone still glad we censored actual scientists & allowed malicious actors like Fauci to drive the narrative? I don’t want to shame fellow posters here. Moving forward I just want us to acknowledge that we shouldn’t reflexively trust the government, we should value and preserve freedom, and we must demand accountability from these people. And in the future, when an event happens and all media is synchronized that we have no time to think or debate and must immediately implement highly restrictive measures for safety, and the experts will tell us when we’re allowed freedom again… when that event inevitably happens: they’re lying. Resist.
    5 points
  2. Keep receipts. The average American has a very short memory.
    2 points
  3. I've got 0.4 dual in a Ford Tri-Motor. Thanks EAA! Nice left leg workout with the p-factor 😂 IMG_6026.mov
    2 points
  4. You guys are missing out.
    2 points
  5. https://www.rand.org/pubs/commentary/2024/06/us-escalation-in-ukraine-needs-a-plan.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Good (and short) opinion piece analyzing US strategy in UKR given recent increased authorities allowing US weaponry used against deep targets within RUS. TLDR: Reactive, escalatory towards an ill-defined objective and overall immature. It speaks to my primary issue with our involvement there, namely that our pol/mil leadership is simply too retarded to win & our dumb meddling will make things worse for UKR and us.
    2 points
  6. The tripe above to distract you form the continued and consistent lawfare being waged by the left. Let's review: 1. The Biden DOJ #3 left to join the NY Attorney General's office (unheard of), and ended up giving the opening argument against trump. The rest of the trail I won't even get into...even MSNBC admits it will be overturned, but the DNC got the "convicted felon" sound bite they wanted for the election. 2. Today in the Hunter Biden trial the FBI presented the laptop as VERIFIED evidence meaning it WAS Hunter's laptop. Still waiting for a single one of the former Intelligence Officials to apologize and admit they were wrong....or for the big tech firms that suppressed the story to admit they were wrong....or the media...I know, it will never happen, just a wave of the hand. 3. The Attorney General testified today and defended all of his actions including trying to hold back the actual tapes of the Biden interview even though the transcripts are out. The official DOJ reason...the tapes could be used to make deep fakes. WTF? 50+ years of making political speeches, there is enough out there to make deep fakes...they are not even needed they way this demented idiot speaks these days. 4. Today Biden took executive action on the border...after claiming for years there was nothing he could do and he didn't have the power...oh and after reversing Trump's border order on day one in office. Anyone want to address testimony from Mayorkas saying our border is secure...nothing to see here. I would invite you all to read this idiotic executive order...it is a complete farce. Republicans are NOT perfect...but for F's sake Democrats are insane.
    2 points
  7. We kept a bottle in my C-17 squadron. I actually flew at my airline with one of the F-4 pilots who was part of the Jeremiah Weed Legend. Larry Ernst.
    1 point
  8. More platitudes. serious question for you war hawks… what does victory look like in Ukraine? Can you achieve it? Will you commit the US to do it? because right now we have no strategic end state and are walking down another Vietnam/afghanistan.
    1 point
  9. They probably did the math and reached critical mass on whatever demographic they were hoping to import. That or the amount of illegal foreign nationals probing security at military bases or taking pictures of service member’s homes reached a point they couldn’t ignore it. Either way, what a shit show.
    1 point
  10. I have yet to meet someone who uses the term "cuck" as a pejorative who can reliably make a woman cum. Your internet troll persona is weak and frightened, but now you're venturing into the 14-year-old with an internet connection territory. Relax a little.
    1 point
  11. The marks will die in the Senate...and Biden would veto it...have to defend the clown show.
    1 point
  12. With them...probably a Q1 with a few commendables. They still post on the anniversary of Waco painting themselves as heroes...
    1 point
  13. Check out the latest drop night at CAB. It was a large group (about 30 pilots). I wasn't there but from what I've heard: B-1 (x1) F-22 (x1) F-35 (x1) F-16 (x2)
    1 point
  14. I wonder what the nature of those offenses were on that list. I find it shameful that collegiate athletes would engage in underage drinking, marijuana consumption, premarital coitus, hooliganism, theft of Christmas lawn ornaments, fighting, speeding, truancy, and other various malfeasance. If only they’d have kept their noses clean they could have gone to OTS and become below average pilots like this one guy I know. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Cool! Now do Miami….
    1 point
  17. Given that we are 83 days until the start of the 2024 College Football Season, time to kick the bear.
    1 point
  18. Great photo, mine is in Germany's Baumholder Track. Had to tap burner to hold position with the high AOA. '97 had the best director lights.
    1 point
  19. Is there a law or norm the democrats won't break to stop their political opponents? This sham trial is outrageous.
    1 point
  20. Yikes. Dude seems like a sycophant more than a mastermind, but Jesus how much more proof do people need? One thing that stands out after having read the entire document, these people all seem to have believed their bullshit. I don't suspect Peter dashek and fauci believed their lies about the issue, but the leadership rarely does. However I suspect all of these underling scientists that were involved in letter campaigns, the actual research, testimony, news interviews, and all the other ways they were employed, really truly were so enamored with their scientific heroes that they believed anything they were told to believe, and thus believed they were justified in plainly absurd things such as overtly avoiding the foia requests, or promoting the natural origins theory. It goes to show how we are in an era of incompetence, with narcissistic clowns at the top of nearly every organization: Corporate America, academia, the government.
    1 point
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