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  1. @LiquidSky I’ll say it again, the quality of time spent with one’s family is entirely controllable. That also applies to your spouse. I don’t recommend marrying someone who says GFY, I’ll only live in X. Guys who marry that chick will likely not have a great family QOL…but it was a choice they were not forced to make.
    3 points
  2. Clock-Map-Ground…the good ol’ days! if you find someone under the age of 30 who can even read a map, you’ve found a unicorn! The next steps are intro a compass or plotter, then tell them to jump in a standard transmission vehicle for a beer run (unicorn status likely dissolves in step 2 or 3).
    2 points
  3. Gets people to meetings on time and sets the tone. Meetings that ignore the hack and start by fading-in don’t usually go well.
    2 points
  4. So it seems that many on the left (House minority leader, etc) today are saying support Biden being the nominee? I’m guessing they have to say this up until the exact point that Biden says he’s no longer running?
    1 point
  5. Well that didn't take long. If you can't tell the difference... To me the bigger outrage is *how* these officers enforced this stupid law. Like Boomer said, I don't expect them to be constitutional scholars, but a cop should be fired for treating a civilian like that during a non-violent encounter.
    1 point
  6. I’m convinced from Top Gun Maverick that it will for sure.
    1 point
  7. Edit to add: the real military equivalent is a WG/CC writing an illegal sup to a reg that violates Constitutional rights of airman. Someone has paper to hide behind and enforce it, but that doesn't make it legal/right. Takes some balls to stand up to him, but it should be done. I agree that politicians are ultimately to blame. They pass laws that are blatantly unconstitutional and face zero repercussions. Like in the case of the California gun laws I mentioned, courts should start holding politicians in contempt for violating the law. Or I'd love to see someone arrested under an unconstitutional law sue the sponsor lawmaker personally. Not the state or city, but the person that was responsible. Might get politicians to think twice about passing bad laws.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, the time hack will save us… Irrelevant in modern aircraft (at least the ones I’ve flown). But I am all about maintaining a bit of history/tradition, and therefore will do it for that reason alone.
    1 point
  9. I thought he was great when I was there in 2014. Very calm and collected when ISIS kicked off, while everyone else in the JOC thought the world was ending. I’m guessing this uniform BS was suggested by his Chief. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. New guys don’t even know why we do it (or rather why we used to have to do it). Minds blown when they are told it didn’t use to be all GPS time!
    1 point
  11. This analogy is on par with, "if we can't trust them to wear approved patches, how an we trust them in combat?!" In the absense of a law passed ordering police to torture, maim, rape, or execute prisoners I don't expect them to be constitutional scholars. We have courts for this. Its the same reason I don't condemn college admissions officials for executing affirmative action for 60+ years. It was found to be unconstitutional, but I don't hold admissions officials personally responsible for following the law.
    1 point
  12. I’m gonna miss ya at this one Huggs, but I’ll see you at OSH, I’ll be there all week.
    1 point
  13. 😆 Dude, when a person said "How can I trust you to.....if you can't...?" I knew that they were a non combatant.
    1 point
  14. I would not enlist with hopes to get a slot. Just go straight for the pilot slot and rush as much as possible. Especially because right now the fighter pipeline has been significantly slowed down for a lot of guard units so don’t waste time enlisting if you want to still be a pilot. Some fighter guard units are saying it could be a 3yr wait now after getting hired before going to UPT, so you can’t waste time.
    1 point
  15. I'm not sure what the correct thread is for this, but Trump made it possible, so I'll put it here. SCOTUS just overturned Chevron. If it wasn't for Roe this would be the biggest news from the SCOTUS in a decade at least, and it's still the most consequential by a landslide. This is a massive win for small government, assuming there are no gotchas in the ruling. I haven't gotten to read it yet.
    1 point
  16. Apollo Eight Astronaut and former USAF Fighter Pilot Bill Anders died in a crash of his T-34 yesterday. Anders flew on Apollo Eight Jim Lovell and Frank Borman and is credited with taking the infamous Earthrise picture below.
    1 point
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