That's the part that incenses me about that whole ordeal. The backstory is this female O-5 was fine with the whole TDY fun, while estranged from the husband anyways, husband of the female O found out, and someone now wanted to save face. Hell hath no fury like a female O scorned. Honestly should have punched the real ticket if you're gonna go through the legal trouble, but I'm gonna plead the 1 2 3 fo fif at this juncture and digress.
Upon getting pinched by the hubby, she tried to cook the flag-O with a fraud SA allegation. That alone should land HER with a CM. But they lined her up good to testify against him and make an example of his imprudence. Latter which in this day and age honestly, at this level of female military membership, is long overdue for overhaul anyways. Bunch of anachronistic hem and haw of little operational import.
I am indeed biased, I hold a false allegation of SA in much lower regard than the regular occurrence of military fraternization (and/or by-proxy adultery) that we're all aware of or privately guilty of, that nobody cares about on the daily, and that civilians don't even consider a crime. People can spare me the pearl clutching about "sexual temperance" in work life; go sell that warrior monk shit to someone else.
I have seen it in my own squadron, what false allegations of domestic violence or SA can yield. Absolute waste of govt resources just because some Basic housewife and their like-clockwork mid life crisis didn't get her way on the divorce proceeding she initiated in the first place. Once acquited, zero effective recourse for these members for the pre-judicial harm done onto their lives and careers, as the military punishes you adminstratively while navigating hell through an eventual acquital.
Given flag-O is gonna be restricted to RND for the next 60 days, remind me to shake his hand next time I see him getting gas at the Valero while I wait for the BK parolees to bag my nuggets on my next out n back 😄. I'd still take this guy over 'ol instagram scouring, artice 15 handing sourpuss Willie boy any day of the week and twice on sunday. And I digress again.