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  1. I've flown with a couple. He is not popular.
    2 points
  2. Blues Monday - gayer than a bag of dicks (fact, not opinion - Biff completed a blind study in Van Nuys and determined this to be true), but also Snuffy was too fragile to do his brief in blues and would be more comfortable in ABUs…there’s a chance his DO thought he was such a pussy that he deserved to do it in blues. Maybe.
    2 points
  3. No one thought DEI would get a president killed. If Trump hadn't turned his head, that's exactly where we'd be. You already get the B team when you're a former president. The number of women in charge of organizations that are massively skewed towards male participation, including the military, is statistical proof that we are selecting weaker leaders to promote a progressive vision of the world. We all knew this already, but now we're at the point in the story where the consequences start to manifest. Shapiro had a great point on this. Why are all the agents immediately around Trump smaller than him?
    2 points
  4. Recent history matters, and UKR has had their territorial sovereignty violated twice in the last decade by the same hostile invading force. That’s a fact. Im not missing all the history of UKR-RUS, and considering my job I’m probably more well-versed on their 30-year history and current ops than most anyone here, but none of that excuses Russia’s current actions. WRT our policy, you’re right. We do not have a good track record nation building. The ME was a fvcking whack-a-mole debacle on a lot of levels, even if some of it was unavoidable. I argue this is different, though. We are supporting a sovereign nation (not trying to build one) against a long-term adversary of the west (not a bunch of radical shitheads). That particulars adversary is the second most prominent member of the SCO and has committed a host of belligerent acts against us and our allies. We are collecting a ton of info for a relatively (good argument to be had here) low cost. There are significant 2/3 order effects - want RUS to have a land bridge to Moldova? This is not AFG 2.0.
    2 points
  5. Go get on SIPR and talk to your intel about the grey conflict area activities going in across NATO executed by Russia. Pretending that this is just a fight between them and Ukraine is dangerously dismissive of active actions short of full scale combat they have levied against our NATO partners (and US citizens) stationed around EUCOM. And the media and leadership is complicit in non making it a bigger topic of discussion as to “why support Ukraine” or “why is this our problem” to their citizenry. The direct combatant part of Russian actions to rebalance the scales the in the relationship against the west isn’t going well… it’s stalled on the battlefield in Ukraine largely because of continued support for this phase. That is deliberate action by NATO before it becomes a shooting war where the only opponents left enjoy article V status. The non direct combat portions (which preced combat) though are very much in full swing in the region in NATO countries, particularly the Baltics and Poland. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  6. Maybe the unit should revoke "UNLTD" warrants for those who pay delivery fees greater than the patch cost.
    1 point
  7. I see comments on social media where the left is saying essentially that it’s no big deal and that Trump’s wounds aren’t worse than a kid getting hurt on the playground and needing stitches…this from the same people who said a few years ago that if you didn’t wear a mask that you were going to kill people.
    1 point
  8. Classified docs case dismissed in Florida.
    1 point
  9. MSNBC was pulled form the air today for fear they would say something that would impact the entire network, a person familiar with the decision said it was made in part over fear that one of the show's many guests over a four-hour broadcast "might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole."
    1 point
  10. Joe Dirt Nap, if you will.
    1 point
  11. The US dodged a bullet along with Trump. Holy shit, that would have been a different wake up today. If you don't believe in miracles, give this missed shot a chance. It might open your eyes. Good shot boys. Never shoot a US President, regardless if you like him or not. That's not American.
    1 point
  12. I wonder if he is ostracized by his squadron mates? Can’t imagine he is much fun to be around. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  13. Twatwaffle...I like that, think I'm going to add that to my vocabulary. Much better that douchesprocket. Cuntwaffle has a nice ring as well.
    1 point
  14. Are we sure this wasn't a tongue in cheek facetious comment by the LtCol taken the wrong way? "Sounds like a pretty big problem Airman, you better forward that to the CoS".
    1 point
  15. Agree with most of that. I hope it's complacency and oversight and not something far more sinister. But the armored banner is an immediate shelter. Speed to the exit vehicle isn't the primary goal. A coordinated exit with at least some confirmation the shooter (or shooters) are not still actively spraying bullets is a far better option than dragging your protectee through a hail of projectiles. They get the SS response team (the ones on the stage in tac gear) in place to cover the exit, make sure the detail is ready to move and then go. Wildly dragging the primary off the stage might save a few seconds but probably not the best option. The fist in the air is gonna get him the Oval Office again, so it was a great move. Just awesome.
    1 point
  16. Well, the Supremes did recently say a President is above the law, and could, you know, make the order to take out a political rival ***. *** This is hyperbolic satire. 1. It did seem to take more time that I thought to cover Trump. Maybe since he's not The President they hesitated. Or its just people just trying to figure out what's happening. 2. Trump absolutely and quickly realized he had a once in a lifetime photo opportunity and took it. He can still think quickly enough on his feet. 3. Perhaps "Shooter Down" on the comms was the reason the USSS didn't rush off stage, but they didn't consider 2nd shooter otherwise they probably should have. 4. The vid of the USSS sniper team flinching on the roof and just goes to show that they are human and they're not like the cold stone Hollywood actors. 5. From the barely visible vid of the shooter on the roof, it looked like no scope or a maybe a small tactical one. None the less, another click to the right and Trump might have been eyeballed.
    1 point
  17. That guy looks... Challenged. I hope nobody is expecting some sort of clear-cut ideology from this dude. The people crazy enough to do something like this, the same type of people who usually have some sort of manifesto, are rarely as political as they are just outright crazy. But this might be the best thing I could have ever happened to Trump. That's absolutely the photograph of the century, so far.
    1 point
  18. If this doesn’t seal the election….
    1 point
  19. I made it closer to space in a Huey. Good job China!
    1 point
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