Honest answer: I don’t think you have a realistic chance at ANG/AFRC fighters. Age, scores, 16 hrs of flight time, etc. Even if you maxed out scores and had hundreds of hours, your age is nearly a guaranteed deal breaker. If you were hired tomorrow, you wouldn’t show back up to the squadron until age 40…age 40 is very old to be a LT in a fighter squadron and starting at the bottom. Now account for your competition being nearly half your age with phenomenal apps, no kids or businesses to manage, etc. Lastly, UPT slots are in a drought for ANG for the next couple years-ish, so really you’d be 42-43 by the time you’re back at a squadron, and that’s still assuming you got hired in 1-2 years. Honestly I don’t think you’d enjoy that hypothetical life, even if you think you would at this moment in time.
My advice is accept reality and do not burn your time/money rushing fighter units. Chase fun/exciting flying on the civ side. It’ll take some time to get there, but there is a lot of awesome flying out there that is exciting and challenging - don’t need a fighter to check those boxes.
I cannot speak for heavy units, perhaps they are more open to someone in your position. If you have a strong desire to fly mil, then maybe go that route. Hopefully some heavy bros in the ANG/AFRC will chime in. I know none of this is what you want to hear, but it’s not helpful for someone to blow smoke up your ass.